The DP8000 can calculate 16 universes of DMX. You can have those universes sent via DMX, Art-Net, or both. The name DP8000 comes from the fact that you get 8000 channels (actually 8192, but 8000 is a much prettier number)
The front panel has connectors for 8 DMX universes. There's an 8-port breakout box called the "DP8000 Expander" if you need all 16 universes available as hard-line DMX.
Back to the original topic. Macros, I would like to add the request of loading Macros onto available View buttons. This would give me quick access to a Macros I need. Can this be done?
I always liked the Macro Wing available from another company and know a few operators who routinely run their entire shows from these. I'm thinking a playback wing covered in say 80 macro buttons.
A docking macro toolbar is certainly part of the concepts we have talked about.
That sounds good Brad, but will the toolbar map to the soft keys on the console? This is why the available View buttons would be nice, to use the soft keys.
Yes one of the early concepts of the console was that you should be able to dock toolbars against the screens and use the soft-keys associated with them. The origianl plan was to have many different toolbars. We are still exploring this concept and have some exciting plans for the future.
[quote=dan]Getting anything coded now... even simple keystrokes.. would be a good start...
....I can't see why we have implemented mark cues (the programmer's equivalent of bicycle stabilisers).. and not started work on even basic Macro implementation...
... I wholeheartedly agree on the console / wing thing.. and as an owner of 3 HogIII systems.. I am becoming increasingly concerned that the HES marketing department are devaluing my investments (especially as it still doesn't do everything we were promised it would) with all this full-boar stuff.... unlimited DMX and Artnet?? .. and what happens to all of my DP's when the artnet thing happens.. will they become expensive artnet boxes?
D I agree with the concept, but I need Mark. A working mark in zero time as all the other consoles. Why my old spark is working much better than my new Hog III ? why should I spend my money on Hog any more?:sad: If you are not able to understand your customer needings PLEASE COPY THE OTHERS Sandro
[quote=Marty Postma]Hey Sandro.....there is MARK functionality......that is what the column in the cuelist called MARK is for;) Yes I know! the problem about mark was submitted by us (Stefano) more or less two months ago. All the consoles I know execute a mark in 0 s. This allows the fixtures to receive a absolute dmx information and not continuosly changing informations for i.e. 3 m 35 s as timing of the following cue. The other matter is that mi nex cue in 3 m. ..... is to be executed within the next 10 s. If mark feature is not helping me saving time don't loose time wrighting the program for Hog III and sell (or buy) other machines! last but not least try to use mark wit a catalist fixture changing color and visual fx wit a 10 s marking time. We think we found a work around solution just in case nobody has our problem:no:, or has much time to lose:aiwebs_007:. Sandro
Well I guess it is more a matterof personal preference....I never really use automatic MARKs no matter what the desk I always build them myself....that way I have precise control over everything that is MARKing.
As for zero second MARKS.....most of the time it doesn;t make sense to MARk in zero seconds b/c that draws the audience's eye to the movement....most of the time you want a nice slow smooth MARK.
To quote from the specifications "The fade and delay times of the parameters within the cue designated as a mark cue shall be used when the fixture parameters move in black" so in other words any fixture can mark in any time, you simply change the cue time for that fixture. Personally I use this feature, and with Catalyst actually. I find it works well marking my layers ready for use. I did however request an enhancement which I hope is still under consideration for programming a fixture to ignore a mark cue, even though it’s at zero so that a deliberate live move could be performed as required where the majority of the cues fixtures would still automatically mark. I also love the fact that fixtures can mark as available depending on the out time of the previous cue. It would have been a shame to not implement this feature as it was one which was such a visionary one in its time in the previous product lines, a feature many other consoles indeed copied. It does not in my humble opinion make a case for or against macros however, which we all eagerly await also. I stumbled on a document I wrote in 2002 when we were on version 0.9 requesting enhancements and I’m pleased to say so many of these are in the release software today. I understand everyone’s frustrations with the features missing some of which work so well on other platforms, but personally I’m only interested in features which are 100% solid, and anything which would reduce the stability of the product now can wait until it’s ready. Regards Ross
As I already suggested in a previous post, it would be kind of worth adding a marking fade time column, being able to give our marking fixtures the marking time that best fits our needs.
Is it not possible to have a "select all marked fixtures" fuction? So that you can select the marked fixtures (without looking first witch fixtures are marked) and then changing the time for the selected parameters.