Theatrical Programming

I know how to records cues and cue lists, but is there an easy trick or function set up so that all the attributes are never tracked cue to cue? to basically globally turn that off? it seems that you have to hit the functions each time, is this correct?
  • No worries- I didn't even see your post until after I posted mine.

    The programmers in my training classes will tell you that I always encourage them not to turn on "Default Track Forwards to Off." This is not because it doesn't work properly: it does exactly what it is supposed to do. Tracking is a powerful feature that I want to make sure they use and learn in the course. While I know there are times I'll make a "cue only" list, and even more times that I'll deselect "forward" on an individual cue... like you I'm also of the mind that I wouldn't want this to be globally set either. I like my piggy to be generally tracking.

    Now- for those programmers reading this who do turn on "Default Track Forwards to Off:" this post is not meant to deter you from using this functionality. This last post is simply a statement of my individual programming preferences.

    And for "THEATRICALASSOCI", it sounds like "Default Track Forwards to Off" will suit your programming style the best. It will save you from having to deselect "forward" from now on. I hope this will be helpful.

  • No worries- I didn't even see your post until after I posted mine.

    The programmers in my training classes will tell you that I always encourage them not to turn on "Default Track Forwards to Off." This is not because it doesn't work properly: it does exactly what it is supposed to do. Tracking is a powerful feature that I want to make sure they use and learn in the course. While I know there are times I'll make a "cue only" list, and even more times that I'll deselect "forward" on an individual cue... like you I'm also of the mind that I wouldn't want this to be globally set either. I like my piggy to be generally tracking.

    Now- for those programmers reading this who do turn on "Default Track Forwards to Off:" this post is not meant to deter you from using this functionality. This last post is simply a statement of my individual programming preferences.

    And for "THEATRICALASSOCI", it sounds like "Default Track Forwards to Off" will suit your programming style the best. It will save you from having to deselect "forward" from now on. I hope this will be helpful.

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