Cannot get WYSYWYG to connect to HOG3PC

I am using WYSIWYG 21 on my laptop running HOG3PC 2.3.1 (b1932) with the WholeHog connectivity driver version 1.08. I have two DMX Widgets.

I run HOG3PC first and load my show. I then run WYSIWYG and the connectivity window pops up and shows Status: Running, a session address, and Info: Outputs Active. Port 6600 and User Number 1.

I have WYSIWYG set with two universes A and B. My conventionals are patched into A and my movers into B. I have a WholeHog III DP device added in the Device Manager and have bound universe A to Output 1 and universe B to Output 2 with the Address Field set to 1.

When I press Connect, I get a green dot below my System Tray Hog Icon and "WholeHog III DP: / " in the Live Module Status line of WYSIWYG.

However, no output. My Grand Master is up on the HOG. I have "connect on load" set in WYSIWYG and when I save the file and reload WYSIWYG I get the error message:

"Could not connect the following consoles: WholeHog III DP ; "

What am I missing?
  • All of my movers and conventionals work in the WYSIWYG visualizer (Live) when I move them or bring up intensities on the HOG. However, none of the parameters work from the WYSIWYG side in the Live module.

    This time I fired up WYSIWYG first and then the HOG and then connected in WYSIWYG. It is still only one way communication.

    BTW, for this lab demo I'm using 2 VL2500 spots, 2 VL2500 wash, 1 Robe 250AT Spot and 36 ETC Smartpack dimmers.

    I have the MS Loopback Adapter installed but deactivated right now and I'm using a wireless connection. I use the Loopback while using the HOG for performances. I tried it with the Loopback adapter enabled and it is the same behavior.

    I've also noticed that when I select a conventional fixture in WYSIWYG Live, it comes into the HOG Programmer window. Intensity doesn't work but the channel is highlighted. Movers don't show up in the Programmer when selected though.
  • All of my movers and conventionals work in the WYSIWYG visualizer (Live) when I move them or bring up intensities on the HOG. However, none of the parameters work from the WYSIWYG side in the Live module.

    This time I fired up WYSIWYG first and then the HOG and then connected in WYSIWYG. It is still only one way communication.

    BTW, for this lab demo I'm using 2 VL2500 spots, 2 VL2500 wash, 1 Robe 250AT Spot and 36 ETC Smartpack dimmers.

    I have the MS Loopback Adapter installed but deactivated right now and I'm using a wireless connection. I use the Loopback while using the HOG for performances. I tried it with the Loopback adapter enabled and it is the same behavior.

    I've also noticed that when I select a conventional fixture in WYSIWYG Live, it comes into the HOG Programmer window. Intensity doesn't work but the channel is highlighted. Movers don't show up in the Programmer when selected though.
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