Cannot get WYSYWYG to connect to HOG3PC

I am using WYSIWYG 21 on my laptop running HOG3PC 2.3.1 (b1932) with the WholeHog connectivity driver version 1.08. I have two DMX Widgets.

I run HOG3PC first and load my show. I then run WYSIWYG and the connectivity window pops up and shows Status: Running, a session address, and Info: Outputs Active. Port 6600 and User Number 1.

I have WYSIWYG set with two universes A and B. My conventionals are patched into A and my movers into B. I have a WholeHog III DP device added in the Device Manager and have bound universe A to Output 1 and universe B to Output 2 with the Address Field set to 1.

When I press Connect, I get a green dot below my System Tray Hog Icon and "WholeHog III DP: / " in the Live Module Status line of WYSIWYG.

However, no output. My Grand Master is up on the HOG. I have "connect on load" set in WYSIWYG and when I save the file and reload WYSIWYG I get the error message:

"Could not connect the following consoles: WholeHog III DP ; "

What am I missing?
  • Ok... I'm making SOME progress here.

    I'm getting the error from WYSIWYG on startup because the WholeHog III DP connectivity software isn't finished initializing by the time the WYSIWYG file has been loaded. When I connect it manually it sort of works.

    If I bring up levels or move my Vari*lites in the HOG, it shows up in WYSIWYG. However, if I try to move the VL's or bring up levels in conventionals in WYSIWYG, I get no reaction from the HOG.

    Is this normal behavior? Because I thought the idea was to be able to set a look in the visualizer (say at home) and then come to the rig and plug it in and have that look come up on the console.

    Again, am I missing something fundamental?
  • Douglas,

    In the WYSIWYG device manager, you need to select one of your DPs (it doesn't matter which one) and click the "Bind Autofocus" button to enable autofocus to work with the Hog 3.

    Autofocus works with most of the fixtures that exist in both the Wholehog and WYSIWYG libraries, but it does depend on a few internal codes matching, so it's possible that we need to update specific fixture types if some fixtures work and others don't.

    Also, keep in mind that autofocus only works in WYSIWYG live mode and not design mode. If you're focusing fixtures and adjusting parameters in design mode, you won't see those changes in the Hog programmer.

    Please let us know if you continue to have problems. We can take a look at your show files and see if we can determine what's not working properly.

  • [quote=teerickson]Douglas,

    In the WYSIWYG device manager, you need to select one of your DPs (it doesn't matter which one) and click the "Bind Autofocus" button to enable autofocus to work with the Hog 3.

    Autofocus works with most of the fixtures that exist in both the Wholehog and WYSIWYG libraries, but it does depend on a few internal codes matching, so it's possible that we need to update specific fixture types if some fixtures work and others don't.

    Also, keep in mind that autofocus only works in WYSIWYG live mode and not design mode. If you're focusing fixtures and adjusting parameters in design mode, you won't see those changes in the Hog programmer.

    Please let us know if you continue to have problems. We can take a look at your show files and see if we can determine what's not working properly.

    Thanks Tom,

    I was moving things in LIVE mode in WYSIWYG. It was not just the movers that were not responding, the conventionals would not respond either.

    I had the "AF" symbol beside my DP in the device manager. I will check all my settings again on Monday when I'm back in the lighting lab again.

  • All of my movers and conventionals work in the WYSIWYG visualizer (Live) when I move them or bring up intensities on the HOG. However, none of the parameters work from the WYSIWYG side in the Live module.

    This time I fired up WYSIWYG first and then the HOG and then connected in WYSIWYG. It is still only one way communication.

    BTW, for this lab demo I'm using 2 VL2500 spots, 2 VL2500 wash, 1 Robe 250AT Spot and 36 ETC Smartpack dimmers.

    I have the MS Loopback Adapter installed but deactivated right now and I'm using a wireless connection. I use the Loopback while using the HOG for performances. I tried it with the Loopback adapter enabled and it is the same behavior.

    I've also noticed that when I select a conventional fixture in WYSIWYG Live, it comes into the HOG Programmer window. Intensity doesn't work but the channel is highlighted. Movers don't show up in the Programmer when selected though.
  • With VL2500 AF doesn't work...that I know, but other fixtures I haven't tested. Maybe I have time tomorrow to try them.
  • But that wouldn't explain why even conventional fixtures on dimmers won't work would it?
  • Well if you are able to control the fixtures from the Hog and see it in WYG then the issue is not on the Hog is a WYG issue. I would try getting in touch with their tech support:

    Cast Software
    Technical Support

    (9:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday)

    35 Ripley Avenue, Unit 1
    Toronto, ON, M6S 3P2

    Toll Free:
    +1 877 989 2278
    +1 416 597 2278
    +1 416 597 9594

    Hope this helps:)
  • Well it has been a while since I connected these two together. But recent events had me talking with WYSIWYG people in Toronto. I had my WYSIWYG dongle lifted from my keyring during tech of the show that opens tonight. I had always assumed three things:

    1) replacement dongles were $299US as per their price sheet
    2) WYSIWYG Perform connected to the Hog so you could "visualize" your design in WYSIWYG and then have your rig go to those "looks".
    3) WYSIWYG and Hog would run on the same computer
    Seems I've been a dunce for years. :dunce:


    1) Cast does not replace lost or stolen dongles and the replacement cost for me is $4999 US (so it won't happen)

    2) WYSIWYG does not "speak" to Hog. Hog speaks to WYSIWYG. So I design my show in WYSIWYG and put it together live in the HOG and connect the two. Then moves in the live rig will "show up" in the WYSIWYG Live visualizer.

    Please excuse my being obtuse, but what bloody good is that? :dunno: Once I've got my cues and looks designed in reality, why would I care what it looks like in WYSIWYG? I want to design it BEFORE the rig is up and see what is possible and then have that look reproduced onstage when the rig is hung and focused. I don't need the perform module at all if it is the other way around. :06:

    3) When I described my system to Cast support, they said they do not support WYSIWYG and HogPC on the same computer. I was supposed to have two computers connected with a crossover cable. Maybe I didn't read carefully enough but I never heard that one. Actually the behavior shown by my setup last spring in my lighting lab is exactly how it is supposed to work according to Cast. I move a light with the Hog and it is mimicked in WYSIWYG. But move a light in WYSIWYG and it will not move in the Hog.

    So I think I'm done with WYSIWYG after five years and about $8000 to Cast Software. My students won't be learning the program in my courses anymore. Next semester is totally devoted to the WholeHog however.

    I'm looking at other visualizers but I really need an alternative to WYSIWYG for my plotting and paperwork. Suggestions?

  • [quote=drathbun]
    I'm looking at other visualizers but I really need an alternative to WYSIWYG for my plotting and paperwork. Suggestions?

    Personal opinion, of course, I'm a huge fan of Vectorworks / ESP. Both are extremely easy to work with and have great tech support. Not to mention the ability to add your own fixtures or symbols is always a bonus.
  • I feel your pain and frustration at how some things in WYG work....they are getting better, but there is a long way to go for them yet......

    [quote=drathbun]Cast does not replace lost or stolen dongles and the replacement cost for me is $4999 US (so it won't happen)

    Correct....this isn't like losing the keys to your house or lose the whole car when you lose the dongle......this policy holds true for just about every program that requires a dongle (ESP included, others I use are Catalyst, Lightwave 3D......etc, etc...all have the same policy).....this is no small theft and you should absolutely have the Police involved and report it to if your dongle ever shows up the jerk who stole it will do a whole lot of jail-time!

    [quote=drathbun]WYSIWYG does not "speak" to Hog. Hog speaks to WYSIWYG. So I design my show in WYSIWYG and put it together live in the HOG and connect the two. Then moves in the live rig will "show up" in the WYSIWYG Live visualizer.

    Not true at all....there is bi-directional control between WYG and H3....currently there is a bug where the AutoFocus isn't working, but that should be fixed soon I think.

    [quote=drathbun]why would I care what it looks like in WYSIWYG? I want to design it BEFORE the rig is up and see what is possible and then have that look reproduced onstage when the rig is hung and focused. I don't need the perform module at all if it is the other way around. :06:

    This is how ALL visualizers work....hook the console up to the visualiser before your rig is up (or while it is being built)....and program it there.

    [quote=drathbun]When I described my system to Cast support, they said they do not support WYSIWYG and HogPC on the same computer. I was supposed to have two computers connected with a crossover cable. Maybe I didn't read carefully enough but I never heard that one. Actually the behavior shown by my setup last spring in my lighting lab is exactly how it is supposed to work according to Cast. I move a light with the Hog and it is mimicked in WYSIWYG. But move a light in WYSIWYG and it will not move in the Hog.

    They might say that, but it works just fine....and it looks like you are running into the AutoFocus bug as far as moving lights from inside the WYG model

    [quote=drathbun]So I think I'm done with WYSIWYG after five years and about $8000 to Cast Software. My students won't be learning the program in my courses anymore. Next semester is totally devoted to the WholeHog however.

    I'm looking at other visualizers but I really need an alternative to WYSIWYG for my plotting and paperwork. Suggestions?

    Well if you are going to go another route the only other really "professional" way is to make LightWright, Vectorworks, Vectorworks Spotlight, and ESP talk together....good luck with is a royal headache to get them all in sync and stay there! :angryfire: (WYG is the only "all-in-one" program that does paperwork, CAD, renderings, and pre-vis).

    The one advantage is that you will get better looking plots out of Vectorworks, and marginaly better pre-vis with ESP.

    Hope this helps somewhat.:)
  • Thanks Marty. I'm glad that I'm not totally insane with my understanding of how visualizers are supposed to work. I was gobsmacked when tech support was telling me flat out that WYSIWYG will not output to WholeHog but that WholeHog outputs to WYSIWYG. Not only that... but that they were "working on this capability".

    I might have to bite the $1000 bullet and buy the education version (I basically use it in class, projects and college productions), cause I have a deep hatred of Vectorworks.

    It seems the only software I LOVE these days is WholeHog! (oh... and Sonar... and Photoshop)

    BTW... I would love it oh so much more if Hog had a NEXT button... you know... focus check? Next... next... next...

    anyone...? anyone....? Bueller?
  • [quote=drathbun]

    BTW... I would love it oh so much more if Hog had a NEXT button... you know... focus check? Next... next... next...

    anyone...? anyone....? Bueller?

    What's wrong with the NEXT key that's just to the right of your fourth encoder wheel? If you don't like that, put your keyboard into MAP mode and hit your "N" key.

    And if you like NEXT, you'll love BACK.... its from the makers of NEXT.

  • Ok, I give... if I want to step through my desk channels using next to have Desk Channel #1 at FULL, then press Next to get Desk Channel #1 at 0 and Desk Channel #2 at FULL... and so on...

    how would I do that? :dunce: