Hog 3 PC has stopped working. I get an error message 'class fps::runtime error' each time I try to load a show or start a new show. Is there a fix for this other than a re-install of Windows? I have just upgraded to 2.50 but the error persists.
I tried to uninstall Hog3pc but I get an error. 'There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for the install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor' is the messgae I get.
I do also use a mobile internet modem for the 3 network which is an e220. I would prefer not to unisntall that though as I use it more than hog3pc.
I tried to uninstall Hog3pc but I get an error. 'There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for the install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor' is the messgae I get.
I do also use a mobile internet modem for the 3 network which is an e220. I would prefer not to unisntall that though as I use it more than hog3pc.