Full Boar ArtNet

I know that ArtNet is not working yet, at least until the DP8000 comes out, but that's where my question comes from. The specs say that the console will support up to 8 universes of ArtNet (I assume that's talking about the onboard ethercon connector), and unlimited HogNet universes via the ethernet. So when the DP8000 comes out (having 16 ArtNet universes available for use on it), will those 16 ArtNet universes via the DP8000 be available on the Full Boar, or just the 8 that are part of the on-board ArtNet ethercon port? Would this be something that would only be available on the HogIII full console?

  • Both the Full Boar and the DP8000 have a dedicated gigabit ethernet jacks for Art-Net (In addition to the ethernet port for Hog-Net)

    If you have a Full boar and a DP8000, you will get 8 universes from the Full Boar's "Fixture" jack, and an additional 16 universes from the DP8000's fixture jack. If you connect both fixture jacks to the same ethernet switch, then you'll have access to all 24 universes of Art-Net on a single wire.

    Bandwidth management can be a real issue on large Art-Net networks. By having separate ports on each device that can generate Art-Net, it's easy to segment traffic if needed. More advanced users can plug everything into a single network switch and handle segmentation at the VLAN or L3 filter level.
  • Sounds like I need to get my network learn-on soon. Thanks for the information Eric. Do you know of any place that I could learn about this bandwith management and traffic segmentation? I would like to learn more about what you speak of.
  • Networking, and network design is a big topic.

    The “TCP/IP Illustrated” books are good references, but can be confusing when you’re starting out.

    A scan of Wikipedia’s network related articles will give you an overview of the concepts, and give you pointers to other search topics.


    When you’re reading these articles, you can skip anything relating to “IPv6”. All of the Hog stuff, and the vast majority of the internet runs on “IPv4” and will for the foreseeable future.


    Cisco has a lot of online reference material, but most of it is presented in such minute detail that it’s hard to learn from.

    The one thing you need to know about Art-Net is that almost all of its traffic is sent via broadcast packets, and that it can't be routed. This is very different from most other network traffic.
  • [quote=ericthegeek]Cisco has a lot of online reference material, but most of it is presented in such minute detail that it’s hard to learn from.


    awesome introductory reading, illustrated and animated! starting with history and ending with a "simulated" switch for you to practice configuring.

    free registration required.
  • Rock Solid Ethernet by Wayne Howell

    This book is great reading to learn about Ethernet in our industry:
  • So out of curiosity.. how many more months (or years) till we can expect to see either the DP 8000 or artnet functioning?

  • Ryan,

    We are working very hard to get the DP8000 and Artnet release out, however as it invloves improvements to much of the networking code it has taken a bit longer than planned. We hope to have an updated timeline available in the next few weeks. I will post an update on this forum then.

    thanks for your pateince,
  • Cool!! I am anxiously awaiting artnet..

    Are you planning on adding the capability for users of hog3PC with widgets to allow for artnet out?

  • That question has been on my mind quite a few times also.. I sertainly hope so, I think it would be a huge mistake if they don't..-Thats of cource my personal opinion though... I can't see any reason for not enabling artnet out of a hogpc which have widgets connected(one widget-one universe of artnet,an so on..)..

    -A little off topic, but it fits into the ArtNet thread:

    -Another thing I have been thinking about, is that it would be reeeealy cool if the miniwings would unlock one or two universes of artnet.. That would first of all make the overpriced wings become more attractive, but maybe more important it would maybe place the miniwings in reach of comparison to the competition if you think of cost.

    -here in norway a programmerwing + a miniwing + a superwidget is almost 86% of the cost of a roadhog.. and then you need to add the computer+touchscreens etc.. That makes the question of what to buy quite easy..
    -in comparison in uk, a vista S3 +2048 channel dongle costs about 43% of a T2.. I don't know its directly compareable, but from what i can see about the vista, the S3 is the hardware from the T2 without the computer/screen..(i know its uk and norwegian prices, but since i used percent, it shouldn't matter that much.)
    -and of cource, there's another uk actor that spits out artnet without any hardware...

    -I personally think that if the programmerwing and the faderwing would open up two universes each, they will become much more attractive, becaouse theres no doubt that they are overpriced today..

    -I guess it maybe is just wishfull thinking from my side, but on the other side.. If you look at norway, I know how many wings have been sold from HES, and from Vista the last coupple of years, and it's quite easy to understand why H3 wings is not on the top. The miniwings is in most persons eyes just a bit expensive for what it does when you compare it to the competition..I know of several cases where they want a pcbased sytem built around H3, but have ended up with some sollution from a competitor..

    -I know it's difficult to justify to lower the prices on a hardware product(especially for a board/salesdepartment).. -Thats why i'm proposing to add functionallity via software!! ;)
  • Totally agree with you Anders, I was looking for a faderwing, but 5000€ TTC is really too expensive, as I'm also interested with the DP8000 to change my DP2000, the two will not be possible, but I fear the DP8000 price.
  • But Perhaps Hog III owners will have à special price for DP8000 :notworthy: :D smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Anges_et_d%E9mons/A_01AN%7E1.GIF
  • well, hopefully they just drop production of the dp2000, and start shipping 8000's for the same price.. -Or maybe some genious in the sales department has decided that since it is capable of 16 universes, it needs to cost 4 times the dp2000.. unfortunately I wouldn't be too surprised..
  • I am right there with you all! I think the price on the wings alone should warrant some free artnet universes..