WH III DP2000 output problem....

Hey, I'm programming a show that uses some Studio Due CityColors, this fixture go to Open White intensity 100% if they recive no dmx...:confused:
My problem is that my DP2000 halt the DMX for a brief moment when i Merge into existing cues, create new cues, and some times even when I playback cues...:dunno: the result: the stage flashes bright for a moment. This does not happen all the time, but only once in a while?? I've tried to change the Dmx output speed of the DP2000 with no change...

Also I've notised the speed of the WH III decreases dramaticaly with the Output Window open, ive notised this since the upgrade to 2.6???

I am running a 2005 WH III the DP2000 is from 2005 aswell...

  • Nicolai,

    What version software are you running? Can you send me a show file via upload.highend.com

    Regarding the output window, try reducing the resolution of the monitor you have it on. We are aware of a problem when the output window is on large resolution monitors. We hope to fix this bug soon.

  • Brad, I've uploaded my show file just now, but I think that this i a hardware problem of some sort... I've hooked up the dp 2000 to a dmx repeater and the dmx OK light goes blank for 0.2 sek. when I merge from the programmer into my main cue stack, is this normal??
    I am running V2.6.0 Release (Build 2071) software.

    The slowdown of the WH III seems to be the same no matter what resolution I am running my monitors, or even with no monitors connected at all, but seems pretty consistant with whether the Output window in open or not.....
  • Would it help the WH III speed wise to install more memory into the consoles mainboard???

  • Nicolai,

    I have received your show file and will take a look. More memory on the console will not solve anything and in fact is not supported by the bios.

    You are correct that the output window can slow down the system depending upon the number of fixtures/parameters. As I stated we are working on this problem.

  • Nicolai,

    Just a couple of questions...How many DP2000's are you using? Do you have Run DHCP server on. or did you assign your own IP addresses?
  • I'm using only 1 DP2000, the WH III is DHCP Server, I guess, the DP2000 gets no IP before I boot up and start a show.... Today I'm trying out a DMX Merger, I'm putting it right in front of the Studio due's as they are the last on the line, my hope is that when ever the DMx from the DP2000 is out it will merge in a signel from another dmx source, and therefore no sudden flashes from the studios.

    I know this is not the right way of fixing the problem, but I nee da quick fix, before rehersals start in 2 days....
  • The merger should help....there are still many problems with both Coemar and Studio Due fixtures and DP 2000s due to the fluctuating refresh rate of the DMX output.....hopefully this all goes away with DP 8000 soon, but for now the merger should "fix" it.