I have had the same problem. To remedy it you need to be sure that the Loopback adapter is disabled when you are going online, with either your wireless connection or wired connection. To change this, go to the control panel and Click on network connections. Once you are there you can right click the connections and DISABLE them.
I also find its helpful to only have one network adapter active when I am running a show, usually the loopback adapter. I do this so there is no chance of being dropped from the wired or wireless network connection.
If you need to go online while running the show, I would suggest not using the loopback adapter and disabling it and only using your wired or wireless internet connection for running the show. I have run many shows from both connection types, but I always find that the loopback adapter is the best option when running a show, because it is a stable 'connection'.
so I always have to connect my Loopbackadaptor when I´m using Hog3PC and disconnect it when im ready using it. It`s a little bit impractical, :aargh4: but I use Hog3 PC just for pre-programming or trim some cues. No Shows on a PC with internet connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nono:
In the network connections window, just change the order in which the network services are accessed. Yours' probably has the loopback above your ethernet or wireless adapter, thus trying to use the loopback, before the other ones. If you just lower the priority, you can still get the loopback function in H3 when not connected to a network, without having to enable/disable it, and change the settings in the hog control panel.