Checking for any new developments

I don't get on here regularly, so I may have missed some new info.
Any info on Mac OS hog PC software?
Any info on Artnet and Hog? Heard that it was suppose to be integrated at some point. When?
Any info on new widget (DP 5000 or something)
Any info on devices available to allow for remote focus with Hog 3 and Hog PC?
  • Jeff,

    [quote=JeffM]Any info on Mac OS hog PC software?

    - There probably won't be a true Mac OS version anytime soon. Most Mac users have had good results running H3PC by booting into XP on a Mac.

    [quote=JeffM]Any info on Artnet and Hog? Heard that it was suppose to be integrated at some point. When? Any info on new widget (DP 5000 or something)

    - HES/FPS has been working on the DP-8000 for some time now which will include ArtNet output. I have not heard a solid release date for this yet, but I know it will be soon. When this new DP gets released, the software that will be released along with it will "unlock" the ArtNet port on RH-Full Boar consoles as well. Note that this will be a be a new DP (DMX Processor)...not a it will have its' own onboard processing and gets connected in similar fashion to DP-2000s. Widgets are simply input/output devices that are connected via USB. All the processing is done on the host side of things with a widget.

    [quote=JeffM]Any info on devices available to allow for remote focus with Hog 3 and Hog PC?

    - Sure..."tablet" or other notebooks/PCs can be networked in wirelessly running H3PC....other users have had good results with iPhones connecting to computers running the forums here for related threads and more info.

    Hopefully this answers yous questions and is helpful.:)
  • Jeff,

    [quote=JeffM]Any info on Mac OS hog PC software?

    - There probably won't be a true Mac OS version anytime soon. Most Mac users have had good results running H3PC by booting into XP on a Mac.

    [quote=JeffM]Any info on Artnet and Hog? Heard that it was suppose to be integrated at some point. When? Any info on new widget (DP 5000 or something)

    - HES/FPS has been working on the DP-8000 for some time now which will include ArtNet output. I have not heard a solid release date for this yet, but I know it will be soon. When this new DP gets released, the software that will be released along with it will "unlock" the ArtNet port on RH-Full Boar consoles as well. Note that this will be a be a new DP (DMX Processor)...not a it will have its' own onboard processing and gets connected in similar fashion to DP-2000s. Widgets are simply input/output devices that are connected via USB. All the processing is done on the host side of things with a widget.

    [quote=JeffM]Any info on devices available to allow for remote focus with Hog 3 and Hog PC?

    - Sure..."tablet" or other notebooks/PCs can be networked in wirelessly running H3PC....other users have had good results with iPhones connecting to computers running the forums here for related threads and more info.

    Hopefully this answers yous questions and is helpful.:)
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