Is it a Bug? or am I just screwing up?

I am Using a RoadHog (v2.5.0 (B2063) ), and have noticed a problem with editing cuelists on stage.... if I abort the process without updating, it seems to freeze the cue I was working on onstage, and will not let me Clear it or Release it.

for instance I select: list 4/1> open, alter something, and then decide that it does not work or get distracted or whatever, and then choose to abort the edit, when I press CLEAR nothing happens, when I press PIG+Release, nothing happens, Choose and Release, trying manually alter the lights, nada...

sometimes after several minutes the Cue will mysteriously clear, today I went so far as to Delete the original cue (it was a simple cue and easy to rebuild, but that is not the point...)

any insights would be appreciated...

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