Moving cues

Using a Road Hog I'm unable to move cues. I'm following the syntax on p.207 of the manual: List 1 Cue 1 thru 4 move List 2 Cue 2 Enter

When I do this, nothing happens. No error message, nothing erased by mistake, nothing overwritten, nothing deleted, nothing. period.

When I execute exactly the same syntax changing "move" to "copy" it copies fine. All of the cues show up just as expected. What am I doing wrong?
  • Hi Rick,

    You can change the text that is copied for objects in the Default Naming tab of the Preferences window. I too do not like the "Copy of" text and always change my defaults to eliminate this. Refer to section 13.4.1 of the User Manual/Help for full details.

    To eliminate the Copy Of text, change the copy label to just "&O". By the way in version 3.0 this will be one of the options in the drop down list of the Default Naming options.

    In terms of a show layout with different cuelists per song, with most concert situation each song is on its own page. In a more theatrical environment, I would just copy the cues to a single cuelist to have one big list. However be sure to make the first cue in the list a blocking cue (have data recorded for all parameters of all fixtures) so that no data tracks from song to song. You can read more about blocking in section 19.7.4 of the User Manual/Help.

    Have fun,
  • Hi Rick,

    You can change the text that is copied for objects in the Default Naming tab of the Preferences window. I too do not like the "Copy of" text and always change my defaults to eliminate this. Refer to section 13.4.1 of the User Manual/Help for full details.

    To eliminate the Copy Of text, change the copy label to just "&O". By the way in version 3.0 this will be one of the options in the drop down list of the Default Naming options.

    In terms of a show layout with different cuelists per song, with most concert situation each song is on its own page. In a more theatrical environment, I would just copy the cues to a single cuelist to have one big list. However be sure to make the first cue in the list a blocking cue (have data recorded for all parameters of all fixtures) so that no data tracks from song to song. You can read more about blocking in section 19.7.4 of the User Manual/Help.

    Have fun,
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