Setting cue times

Is there a way to set the time for a single cue so that updates take that time by default. In particular, suppose I write a cue and then set a time for the overall cue by typing "Cue 1 Time 4". Later I decide to add another fixture to the cue. That fixture is assigned the default cue time which is set in preferences rather than the time I assigned the cue, so the cue ends up with split timing. Is it possible, once I have assigned a time to a cue, to use that time instead of the global default?

On a related note: (this is probably an enhancement request) Suppose I have already set the cue time to 4 secs. One fixture has a time of 20 sec. Now my time is "4s, 20s" where 4 is the time for everything except the one fixture. I would like to change the cue time to 5 secs without changing the one fixture that I have set to 20s. In other words, "Cue 1 Time 5" sets the global default time for all fixtures in the cue that have not been explicitly set to something else. How would I do this?

As long as I'm asking for the stars, suppose I have 20 fixtures set to the 20 sec time in a cue with a time of 4 sec, how about a way to change the 20s without changing the cue global time.
  • My workaround in the first case is to enter all the fixtures and then going down the cuelist I can see where the time has been set to default for one or more fixtures. I then set that time to whatever I want for that cue. This method works as long as all times in the cue can be set to the same value. If I have already set one parameter, e.g. pan, to some other value, it will be reset by the action of setting time in the cuelist. I can go back and change that parameter if I remember which one(s) it was. If it was several, it's hard to find them all.

    To clarify the last question, it's merely the above case where a large number of fixtures have a time other than the cue default, and that time is the same for all. Suppose I want the pan on fixtures 1, 3, 6, 7, and 12 to move in 20s and everything else in 4s. It's tough to do this, but if there were a way to change all the 20s to 25s or all the 4s to 5s, that would accomplish what I want.

    Thanks, Chris.
  • My workaround in the first case is to enter all the fixtures and then going down the cuelist I can see where the time has been set to default for one or more fixtures. I then set that time to whatever I want for that cue. This method works as long as all times in the cue can be set to the same value. If I have already set one parameter, e.g. pan, to some other value, it will be reset by the action of setting time in the cuelist. I can go back and change that parameter if I remember which one(s) it was. If it was several, it's hard to find them all.

    To clarify the last question, it's merely the above case where a large number of fixtures have a time other than the cue default, and that time is the same for all. Suppose I want the pan on fixtures 1, 3, 6, 7, and 12 to move in 20s and everything else in 4s. It's tough to do this, but if there were a way to change all the 20s to 25s or all the 4s to 5s, that would accomplish what I want.

    Thanks, Chris.
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