How do you lay out your Hog

HI folks:

I have a Hog3PC with 4 monitors (works great) 2 touch panels and 2 CRT's im just curious how you lay out your panels.

my screens are numbered 1 - 4 from left to right

screens 1 and 2 sit above the playback and programming wings respectively and are both touch screens
screens 3 and 4 sit to the right of the programming wing and are both crt;s

on screen 1 i have it divided into 3 sections -- the upper 2 are the color wheel on the left and the color directory on the right, the lower section goes all the way across and is the primary show cue list

screen 2 is divided in half and has the groups and position directories open in it - we are an all conventional house except for some LED wash lights. I use the positions pallete to build looks that persist from show to show, although for our current show im considering replacing all or part of the positions pallette with the list directory as i wil have a number of chases there

Screen 3 has the programmer and screen 4 has the output

im just looking for ideas or ways to do things better

  • If you're using only conventionals and some LED's, you might not need the programmer to take up a full screen since you don't have many columns of data to display. You could use side by side windows on that monitor to give access to something else, like your list window perhaps.

    I have just the 2 touchscreens for our iPC and have two views I most commonly use. One called programming which has the cuelist window on half of the left screen, with all my pallets (ICPB) on the other half stacked on top of eachother; the right screen has the programmer on half and the group directory on the other half. My other view is called service (as in church service), which simply has the cuelist window on the left screen and the right window the same as before as we generally only need to make slight intensity adjustments during a service.
  • I have a bunch of different views setup for programming...then, generally, 1 look for playback. (First page is for MLs, Conventionals and LEDs, second page is for MEDIA)

    View 1 - MLs - NON ADDITIVE
    This basic view is setup as follows:
    Ext. 1 - Output Window
    Ext. 2 - Chosen Fader
    Left Touch Screen - Full Screen of groups for Movers
    Right Touch Screen - Left half is position directory, Right half is split top/bottom with color on top and beam on the bottom

    View 2 - POS - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch screen - Full screen of Positions palettes

    View 3 - COLOR - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch screen - Full screen of color palettes

    View 4 - BEAM - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch screen - Full screen of beam palettes

    View 5 - Effects - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch screen - Left half - effects palettes, right half - effects engine

    View 6 - LIST - NON ADDITIVE
    Left Touch Screen - List Directory full screen
    Right Touch Screen - List Directory full screen

    View 7 - All Close - NON ADDITIVE
    Self explanatory - all windows closed

    View 8 - LEDs/Conv - ADDITIVE
    Left Touch Screen - Groups full screen of LED's and Conventionals
    Right Touch Screen - Full Screen of Color palettes for LEDs

    View 9 - Busk - NON ADDITIVE
    Left Touch Screen - Full screen of busking cuelists
    Right Touch Screen - Full screen of busking cuelists
    External monitors....blank.

    View 10 - Lamps - ADDITIVE
    Opens up the list directory where my Lamp strike and lamp douse cuelists are located

    View 11 - Axon general - NON ADDITIVE
    Similar to the MLs view, it setups the screens for dealing with media servers, just different positions in the individual windows.

    View 12 - Media Positions - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch Screen - Maximize positions directory (for media players)

    View 13 - Media Effects - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch SCreen - Maximize effects window (for media effects)

    View 14 - Media folders - ADDITIVE
    Right Touch screen - Maximize beam window for all of my media folders.

    Now, with all of that said....I just bounce around with the different views as needed. Generally for operation, I run in the ML's view because it has my cuelist on one window, my output on other and the stuff I need most on the touchscreens.

    Also, a quick way around the views is to use the keypad....OPEN +X opens that view. OPEN 1, opens view 1....etc.

    Is that what you're looking for?
  • You've given me a few ideas, Jon. Thanks. It seems you don't use your programmer window much?

    I use my programmer window all the time, can't get by without it. Almost never use the output window though, only when something is behaving oddly and I need to track it down.
  • I actually use it a lot...but since there's a dedicated button for it on the toolbar on the right touch screen, I don't dedicate a view to popping it up.

  • For programming moving/LED lighting:

    I have a view that has the output on the left outboard, the programmer on the right outboard, and then my two inboards are covered similar to standard view with GPCB in those. I have a view each for both LED's and moving if there is a need.

    For a conventional view, I have the same outboards, but my inboards have a full left screen that is groups (further down in the window to show more), and a split right screen with color and intensity pallets. The color is a layover from the scroller days, but it does get uses sometimes.

    For playback:

    My left outboard has my current cuelist on it, and my right outboard has a full screen of output. (I too just call up the programmer when needed for a cue'ed show).

    My inboards have the same as the moving light programming view above (split screens of GPCB).

    Hope this helps.
  • This thread reminded me to ask:

    Has it been suggested to setup a "close all windows" keystroke sequence. Somethink like "PIG + Close"

    I also currently use a view to close all windows.


  • I cant find a request number, but the way mike does it in this thread is probably the best:
  • If you want to make a view that closes all windows, then close all the windows and record that as a view. I store it on button #7 and call it close all.
  • I do the same thing with a close all view but I make it view 10 so that OPEN + 0 close all the windows... for anybody that doesn't know holding OPEN and any number will open that view, 0 being for 10.