record to playbacks not working


In hog3PC I try to record Intensity on a fader.
When pressing record, selecting the choose button, the command line displays 'Record Master???'
In control panel - wings, console wing is 'not connected'.
Same for other information that I want to record.
Direct record to a listnumber is working fine

Complete new show, only patching done.

Any idea?
  • We still are unable to reproduce this one in the lab or at anyone's desk. When you see the problem, is it just one instance and then it works with subsequent records? The more information you can provide the better.. can someone provide exact keystroke steps from starting a show to get this to occur?

    We want to fix this, but without a repro it is difficult. It is logged as bug #12645.
  • It's a reoccuring issue. When you're not able to record to a fader, next attempts will fail as well.

    - start new show, filename doesn't matter
    - add fixtures (nbr of fixtures or type doesn't matter)
    - select fixtures
    - set a parameter, for example Intensity or turn wheelset for a beam/colour parameter
    - record to an onscreen fader 'choose button 2 - 9'>
    - system will display in the command line: record master???

    Same issue on Vista, XP and one macbookPro running vista under bootcamp. Even new installs (and after rebooting)
  • For those who have this problem: Does it only occur on multi-core or multi-processor systems? Do you ever see it on a single core system?
  • I can confirm that I have followed the same steps and have had the problem. I have had it with new shows and pre-3.0 shows. I have had it happen on XP and Vista. My XP machine is single core and my Vista machine is a dual core Athlon. But I agree that once you start having the problem it is not easy to make it go away.

    Kevin Montagne
    kevin (at) litkam (dot) com
  • Thanks Tom for the details... we will keep trying. I added your steps to the bug log.
  • I'm having the problem on a Macbookpro dualcore and a asus singlecore centrino
  • [quote=bradpepe]The more information you can provide the better.. can someone provide exact keystroke steps from starting a show to get this to occur?

    We want to fix this, but without a repro it is difficult.

    hi brad,

    if i understand correctly, keystrokes are not a cause for the system to enter this state; this state has already been entered by the time the desktop process has finished initiailzing.

    i myself have never encountered this during normal use.

    but this so strikingly resembles something i've seen ever since, that i can't help but think that the two are directly related.
    Launch launcher, without arguments
    Pause/Break, Ctrl+O+Backspace, to open the Launched Processes window
    New Show (or, existing empty show)
    in the Launched Processes window, right-click the desktop process and choose "Restart desktop" from the context menu
    the Wholehog Screens and dummy front panel will close and restart
    the Wholehog Screens and dummy front panel will re-open
    the dummy front panel will not have any of its Choose buttons lit
    recording to master ??? happens
    moving to master 4294967295 happens
    (looks to me like another sign bit bug, as UInt32 4294967295 would be SInt32 -1, the more likely mistaken result. type schmafety. either way, it should be Assert'd)
    always recording to cue 2, when a page is populated, happensagain, i can't provide a way to get a system into this state during normal use and without restarting the desktop process. but even so, i think it's a great place to begin whiteboxing.

    i hope this is helpful; i expect it might already be well-known, but your asking for keystrokes and for clarification of the symptoms prompted me to post, just in case.

    attached are three supporting files, recounting:
    the launch of an existing but empty show
    recording (nothing) to choose button 1
    restarting the desktop process
    recording (nothing) to choose button 1DbgPrint.log : a log of standard DbgPrint output

    new desktop process begins with event 66
    notably missing is a FirstFaderID received event, similar to event 65eventlog.txt : 3PC Event Monitor > Dump Log results

    the restarted desktop process initializes with 19929754 through 19930791
    the eventlog.txt seems to have an XML header, and also suffers from the Unicode byte-order-mark bug; the attached file has been modified at the byte level to compensate. it should be opened in Visual Studio with its XML editor, as it's not pretty in notepad. a screenshot of this has also been attached.event monitor dump.jpg: screenshot of eventlog.txt
  • Thanks Quinn for another well detailed answer. We will explore this today.
  • I just reloaded my tablet pc, and I am now experiencing this problem. It has XP3. It is a toshiba satallite r15-s822. I had 3.0.1 on and tried putting 3.0 on. I am going to try putting 2.6 on it. I am not sure if this was mentioned, but I can only choose a master by clicking on the fader bar on the left screen. this will illuminate the correct led. But I cannot control any of the other faders buttons other then the selected list. Its really weird. I am in Fredericksberg, tx through sunday morning if someone wants to come over and have a look it on my computer!
  • Alright, I was able to get version 3.0.1 to work. After I posted last, I installed version 2.6. I did not restart. I figured I would look and see what windows updates there were. I updated:
    Update for Windows XP (KB967715) and
    Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update (KB951847) x86
    Restarted and then did the following:
    Update for Windows XP (KB961118) (quit IE after, no reboot required)
    Then installed 3.0.1 and restarted when prompted. It worked after that. Don't know wether it was the .Net updates or the 2.6 but whatever, it seemed to fix it.