Allocating Fx Time

Hi Ya'll

Having some trouble with efficiently allocating times for effects in cues.

It would seem sensible to me that when creating an effect that you should be able to click on the spreadsheet Fade timeslot, in the effects engine, and allocate a desired time. Yet whenever I do this I close the effects editor, hit clear, reopen the editor and the time I changed has reverted back to the default time.:aargh4:

What gives. As I see it the real strength of hog machine version 3 is the spreadsheet editing feature. Why is it not available in the effects editor timing? Did I miss something obvious?

Also looked to command line syntax to get around this problem. However when using the syntax as described in the manual ( Effect Time [value] ) whilst in an editable editor, this does not work. :17: This problem is discussed in the thread titled "Effect time entry" dated Aug 2008. It states that this command line feature has not actually been integrated into the software yet. Logged as bug #4924. There is not however a mention of this bug being resolved Hog PC 3 nsoftware ver 3.0.:nono:

So what is the best option here?

I have noticed that the cue time seems to control the effects time as the cue is executed. So now I am creating extra cues with wait times to get around this problem.

Please tell me of a more efficient method as I do not want to create these extra cues with a wait time to get around this problem.

Wastes time!

  • "whenever I do this I close the effects editor, hit clear, reopen the editor and the time I changed has reverted back to the default time."

    This is correct. Anytime you clear an editor, changes made to an effect will be lost along with their fade value. If you want to change the default effect fade timing for the different parameter types you can do this under te default timing tab of the preferences window.

    "(Effect Time [value]) whilst in an editable editor, does not work."

    Bug #4924 was not part of the scope of v3.0 but I do agree the feature is useful and will be evaluated for future release.

    "So what is the best option here? I am creating extra cues with wait times to get around this problem."

    I am not sure exactly sure why you are needing extra cues with wait times for but let me offer you this: Remember that base values and their effects have independent fade timings. What that means is you are managing two sets of fade times in a cue when you are recording base values and effects. For base values, using the cmd line and using cues editor spreadsheets is usually the easiest. For effect fade timing it's best to simply open the cue in a cue editor (use [cue][cue], or [cue] [#] [open]), select the fixtures, and use the effects engine spreadsheet to change fade timing on the effect and then hit update to update and close the cue editor.
  • "whenever I do this I close the effects editor, hit clear, reopen the editor and the time I changed has reverted back to the default time."

    This is correct. Anytime you clear an editor, changes made to an effect will be lost along with their fade value. If you want to change the default effect fade timing for the different parameter types you can do this under te default timing tab of the preferences window.

    "(Effect Time [value]) whilst in an editable editor, does not work."

    Bug #4924 was not part of the scope of v3.0 but I do agree the feature is useful and will be evaluated for future release.

    "So what is the best option here? I am creating extra cues with wait times to get around this problem."

    I am not sure exactly sure why you are needing extra cues with wait times for but let me offer you this: Remember that base values and their effects have independent fade timings. What that means is you are managing two sets of fade times in a cue when you are recording base values and effects. For base values, using the cmd line and using cues editor spreadsheets is usually the easiest. For effect fade timing it's best to simply open the cue in a cue editor (use [cue][cue], or [cue] [#] [open]), select the fixtures, and use the effects engine spreadsheet to change fade timing on the effect and then hit update to update and close the cue editor.
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