Washblue, white flash effect

Hi there,

I have been working with Hogpc for a while now. Had the chance only once to run my show on a roadhog.

But I've ran into a problem for an effect what I'm trying to create.

I'm running now wysiwyg and hogpc. So no real desk or real lights.
The problem I is, is that I want to have a color (lets say blue beceause I like blue, specially for this effect), with white flashes. Therefor I'm using mac700's in my 'show' beceause of the cmy possibility's (a normal color wheel could run through all the colors before getting to white) and I want to flash it too white for a short time. So it looks a bit like a strobo but isnt.

I've started with 2 groups and 4 cue's (in one list offc).
The first cue excisted of all the spots in the blue wash with a 2 second waittime.
The second cue has all 'odd' spots in white but with a wait time of 0 and delay on 0,1 seconds (this obviously didnt work beceause with wait time 0, the hog didnt bother to play the cue), so I tried to set the wait time to 0,1.
The third cue has all spots back on blue.
The fouth cue has all the 'even' spots on blue with the same settings as the second cue.

I've made a little mistake earlier, when I set cue 1 and 3 (the all blue cue's) to delay 0.1 second and the 'flash' cue's ( en 2 and 4) with a wait 0. It sort of works, but still the delay gets affected by the problem writen below this.

The wait time with 0,1 second works.
But then there is another problem, when I change the speed by selecting the 'choose' button and use one of the wheels to change speed, the white flash also changes speed.
Now since that it is a logical thing to do for the hog, I would like it to set the wait time of that white flash cue sticky, so it wouldnt change when I change the speed of the whole list.

I hope one of you could help me out here. I also wonder if this is the right way to achieve this effect.
  • Well, I've 'solved' it a different way for now (beceause I cant really test the way axs said).
    Just make a normal chase with all timings the same (or no wait time at all and set it as a chase) with a 'random' white between all those. If I make it run fast it flashes pretty damn good, but on slow speeds its more like a regular color chase. But on slow speeds thats not even a bad thing (combined with a rotating gobo for instance). :)

    Thx for you help guys. :notworthy:
  • Well, I've 'solved' it a different way for now (beceause I cant really test the way axs said).
    Just make a normal chase with all timings the same (or no wait time at all and set it as a chase) with a 'random' white between all those. If I make it run fast it flashes pretty damn good, but on slow speeds its more like a regular color chase. But on slow speeds thats not even a bad thing (combined with a rotating gobo for instance). :)

    Thx for you help guys. :notworthy:
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