[quote=aranajoseluis;34585]IN HOG 3 FULL CONSOLE IS NOT POSIBLE SAVE TO USB. WHEN?
Currently you can only use USBs on windows based consoles (3PC, RH, RHFB) As far as I am aware it is to do with the arcitecture of linux, but I have read a thread a while ago telling us that HES are definitly working on it. As I dont work for them, I dont know its number or a timeline, I think one of the HES staff will pop thier head in :)
While the Wholehog 3 console does not currently support USB flash drives, we do plan to add this feature in the future. Joe is correct that it requires some major updates to the Linux OS. While I don't have a timeline available to post now, we do hope to add it when we can.
FYI, you can use Network File Sharing to connect to your laptop and save directly to your laptop OR even to a USB flash drive connected to your laptop.
To add to Brad's comments, we had a show where we were using TabletPCs as wireless remotes via a Wireless N router. The router happened to have a USB port that we through a flash drive on and were able to backup shows over the network to that flash drive.