[quote=aranajoseluis;34585]IN HOG 3 FULL CONSOLE IS NOT POSIBLE SAVE TO USB. WHEN?
Currently you can only use USBs on windows based consoles (3PC, RH, RHFB) As far as I am aware it is to do with the arcitecture of linux, but I have read a thread a while ago telling us that HES are definitly working on it. As I dont work for them, I dont know its number or a timeline, I think one of the HES staff will pop thier head in :)
[quote=aranajoseluis;34585]IN HOG 3 FULL CONSOLE IS NOT POSIBLE SAVE TO USB. WHEN?
Currently you can only use USBs on windows based consoles (3PC, RH, RHFB) As far as I am aware it is to do with the arcitecture of linux, but I have read a thread a while ago telling us that HES are definitly working on it. As I dont work for them, I dont know its number or a timeline, I think one of the HES staff will pop thier head in :)