slots skipping/fading


i´m working a lot of years on H3, but i´m not behind the trick how can i fade a color slot or a gobo slot. I can´t see when the fixture is in the slot skip mode or in the slot fade mode.
it´s maybe very simple, but .......:06:
can anyone get me a help?

  • Marco,

    Please send me your show file via so I can have a go with the exact fixtures you have setup...

    If you see the DMX values for the color or gobo wheel changing in the DMX output, then the problem is with your fixtures. Many fixtures do not allow crossfading of DMX channels for the color and gobo wheels as it tends to burn up gears. Depenending on the fixture, there may be other options using speed channels as described in this thread.

  • Marco,

    Please send me your show file via so I can have a go with the exact fixtures you have setup...

    If you see the DMX values for the color or gobo wheel changing in the DMX output, then the problem is with your fixtures. Many fixtures do not allow crossfading of DMX channels for the color and gobo wheels as it tends to burn up gears. Depenending on the fixture, there may be other options using speed channels as described in this thread.

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