slots skipping/fading


i´m working a lot of years on H3, but i´m not behind the trick how can i fade a color slot or a gobo slot. I can´t see when the fixture is in the slot skip mode or in the slot fade mode.
it´s maybe very simple, but .......:06:
can anyone get me a help?

  • Marco,

    What mode are you running your Mac500s in? What library are you using?

    I just simply selected a Mac 500 m4 Extended, built a cue to change the fixed color for wheel 1 to Yellow (DMX 80) and changed the color path to linear. I see the DMX value crossfade from zero to 80 in the DMX window when I play the cue. This indicates that if the light is capable of crossfading that the desk is sending the correct information. I do not have a Mac 500 here to test with, but this appears to be workign correct.

    Let me know exactly what mode you are using and how you are programming and I bet we can solve this.
  • Marco,

    What mode are you running your Mac500s in? What library are you using?

    I just simply selected a Mac 500 m4 Extended, built a cue to change the fixed color for wheel 1 to Yellow (DMX 80) and changed the color path to linear. I see the DMX value crossfade from zero to 80 in the DMX window when I play the cue. This indicates that if the light is capable of crossfading that the desk is sending the correct information. I do not have a Mac 500 here to test with, but this appears to be workign correct.

    Let me know exactly what mode you are using and how you are programming and I bet we can solve this.
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