slots skipping/fading


i´m working a lot of years on H3, but i´m not behind the trick how can i fade a color slot or a gobo slot. I can´t see when the fixture is in the slot skip mode or in the slot fade mode.
it´s maybe very simple, but .......:06:
can anyone get me a help?

  • Taken from Mac500 manual...

    Fixed ( st at ic) gobos
    There are 2 operating modes available for the fixed-gobo wheel, which has 9 positions for metal gobos plus an open
    position. In “fixed” mode (SPEC/gMOd/FIX), the wheel steps between fixed positions and shakes at variable
    speeds. In “scroll” mode (SPEC/gMOd/SCRL), the wheel scrolls continuously, shakes at 1 speed, and rotates in
    2 directions at variable speed.
    Setting the fixed-gobo speed to “blackout” in vector mode causes the shutter to black out the light while the wheel
    turns from one position to another.
    Operation 11
    The Shortcuts (SPEC/SCUT) setting determines whether the gobo wheel takes the shortest path to the next position
    or turns in one direction only. The setting may be overridden on the speed channel in vector mode.
  • Taken from Mac500 manual...

    Fixed ( st at ic) gobos
    There are 2 operating modes available for the fixed-gobo wheel, which has 9 positions for metal gobos plus an open
    position. In “fixed” mode (SPEC/gMOd/FIX), the wheel steps between fixed positions and shakes at variable
    speeds. In “scroll” mode (SPEC/gMOd/SCRL), the wheel scrolls continuously, shakes at 1 speed, and rotates in
    2 directions at variable speed.
    Setting the fixed-gobo speed to “blackout” in vector mode causes the shutter to black out the light while the wheel
    turns from one position to another.
    Operation 11
    The Shortcuts (SPEC/SCUT) setting determines whether the gobo wheel takes the shortest path to the next position
    or turns in one direction only. The setting may be overridden on the speed channel in vector mode.
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