I have a Hog 3 in show. We have a intermentent problem on power up, where the screens stay dark and the blue lights on the fadders (Choose) flash. Any idea what may be causing this? Any ideas on what to do to fix this?
I heard that flashing lights on the front panel may be a sign of the front panel not communicating properly (However I am not 100% sure). If you are comfortable working within the console, you may want to check that all the cables arnt damaged and are seated securely. Have you called your local HES suport rep?
I heard that flashing lights on the front panel may be a sign of the front panel not communicating properly (However I am not 100% sure). If you are comfortable working within the console, you may want to check that all the cables arnt damaged and are seated securely. Have you called your local HES suport rep?