I have a Hog 3 in show. We have a intermentent problem on power up, where the screens stay dark and the blue lights on the fadders (Choose) flash. Any idea what may be causing this? Any ideas on what to do to fix this?
I heard that flashing lights on the front panel may be a sign of the front panel not communicating properly (However I am not 100% sure). If you are comfortable working within the console, you may want to check that all the cables arnt damaged and are seated securely. Have you called your local HES suport rep?
Joe is correct that if the Choose LEDs are flashing then the front panel and the processor are not communicating. Please contact our support department directly at 800-890-8989 so they can walk you through some troubleshooting. You probably have something that is loose that is causing this fault.
I have also seen this happen on a few occasion when USB devices are plugged in (same symptoms).....simply removing them and re-booting, then plugging them back in has been the solution.
I am not sure of the version of softwear we are running, but I will look to see what it is. We are not running anything other than the baord and one extra monitor.
Thank you for you help that sounds right to me. I will give the tech number a call.
Sounds like a hardware or power problem is causing the console not to boot.
The flashing choose buttons mean the front panel can't talk to the console. If the console doesn't initialize the front panel within a certain period of time after power-up, it starts flashing the choose buttons to let you know it's not active.
I have a similar problem with my Hog3. For this problem, console were in service few days and only thing that service technican found out were that the PSU did output just 13v instead of 13,7v. For a week it was ok, but this weekend it died again.
Both monitors stays dark when i turn power on but sometimes screens flicker few times. And i also managed to boot up console few times and it worked ok about 30min but then both screens went dark and after few minutes Choose leds starts flashing.
Has anyone found any reasons what is causing this? I´m running on 3.0.1 and no external devices connected. All connections inside are checked. _______ ottot
[quote=ottot;36891] but then both screens went dark and after few minutes Choose leds starts flashing
This is what happens when the front panel loses connection to the processor board. If it is not a loose connection then it might be a bad wiring harness or worse cased something physically wrong with your processor board.