I looked around on the forums a bit to see if there was any current discussion about using MIDI on a Road Hog console, but didn't see anything recent. My situation is that we've got a Road Hog console to replace an older console of some sort, and we need to be able to follow MIDI timecode. I am not the one who purchased the console, and if I were hopefully I would have noticed that the console doesn't do the MIDI thing.
In any case, I was wondering if there was any progress on making a MIDI widget for the road hog, or integrating drivers from a third party company. Failing that, I was wondering if anybody has had luck converting MTC to LTC, so that we could use the LTC widget that's already available.
I've been looking around, I found one product that is meant for MTC/SMPTE conversion that might work, the Rosendahl MIF3. Apparently Midiman (now M-Audio) used to make a product called the Video Syncman that could do the same task, but it doesn't seem to be in production any more.
If anybody has suggestions, I'm eager to hear. Also, adding some MIDI expansion capability to the road hog would be a really big selling point.. So any High End reps reading this, take note. :)