April Fool Joke too Subtle

Well yesterday was April Fools and we decided to play a slight joke on our dear Wholehog users. However I think that it was too subtle and went unnoticed. Either that or none of you actually read the v3.0.3 release notes yesterday. :dunno:

I guess next year we will have to do something a bit more obvious. In the interest of fun, I will not quite yet divulge the joke. However I will warn you that "non-joke" release notes are now posted. So if anyone has the downloaded notes from yesterday, feel free to see if you can find the joke....:18:

  • See...I stay off the computer yesterday and missed the joke. I can only imagine what you guys put in there....
  • Dam, I didnt download them.. Can I have an email copy, pretty please! Yahoo had some good april fools like a "computer virus spreading rapidly and digesting computer users around the world".

    Your a funny guy Brad,
  • I actually read the release notes yesterday to see if I really needed to bother with the download, but I found nothing out of the ordinary or 'funny'
    So what's the joke?
  • If Brad said he wont divulge, I dont think he will. The jokes may not be obvious but I am 99% sure they were there. It may just me simple irony or added features such as keystroke macros... would something so big be in a patch release? Just an example, but I am guessing that those sort of jokes are going to in there.

    Have one on me HES! :friday:
  • I think I missed the joke version too, as I didn't download the new build untill this morning.
  • Alright Alright.. :D

    I will give... By the way, Eric Johnson here at HES was the only person to read the release notes and question me about the one bogus bug fix... We managed to keep the secret even from most here in the office...

    In the list of bug fixes there was: "12704 Remove ability to save or archive show files"

    I realized later that I should have written about it being a new feature instead of just hiding in among the bug fixes... Oh well next time.

    FYI.. I had quite a list of other bogus bug fixes that I considered:

    Add support for Legacy Wholehog 1 console
    Import Wholehog 2 midimap.txt file
    Implement toggle for inflatable flying pig release
    Add support for remote focus via Apple Newton
    Show file compatibility with Handshake
    Add Insta-Look feature from Wholehog 2 to main toolbar
    Disable Clear key functionality
    Implement iTunes audio and video player when connected to internet
    Replace all Flying Pig logos with Barco logo

  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;36517]I think I missed the joke version too, as I didn't download the new build untill this morning.

    Marty, you're getting slow. I fully expected you'd have the new release on a show already last night, or is that only for beta builds?
  • "12704 Remove ability to save or archive show files"

    I saw that yesterday on the release notes, and thought it was just a typo. Guess one should figure the calendar day into these things, huh? :p
  • Brad, I cant wait to see you guys in October. Your a real barrel of laughs! The iTunes one is good. :D
  • Wow. I actually DID read the notes, noticed the line, and figured that you guys just needed some remedial grammar classes.

    I've apparently lost all subtlety after only a year in New York.

    Well done people.

  • Phil..

    thanks for making ME laugh! At least you come back to Austin from time to time to catch up on creamy jalapeno as well as subtlety.

    I hope all is well...
  • Num. Num. Num. Chuy's.

    By the way, I fly in on Sunday for three weeks with the WHS kids. You definitely need to find time to come by. The theater was just renovated and is truly gorgeous.

    I know David and the kids would love to see you.

    Let's talk early next week.


    PS - We should also try to find a time to meet...not...at the school.
  • I frequently threaten to get an IV of Chuys Creamy Jalapeno for my wife. If they sold it by the 55 gallon drum, we'd probably be able to get through it before it went bad.
  • new console feature - dip and chip bowl holders...
    new fixture support - DMX controlled margarita blender...

    Now we're getting somewhere-
  • Wow...and I thought I was going to be bad...
    Here's the one I thought about posting....

    "Now that Hog3PC is Vista compatible, I tried loading it into a T2, but can't get it to recognize the pen. What am I doing wrong?"
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