This should be simple, but I can't seem to figure it out. If I have a cuelist set to run a cue with the fader or flash button, how can I preset that cue in the stack without actually running the cue until I bring up the fader or hit the flash button? I'm looking for a button option similar to Go, but without actually executing the cue, just queuing it up in the stack to run the next time I hit the flash button or bring up the fader. I know about GoTo, but I'm looking for something even simpler.
Sounds like you might want to look at "+GO off zero"
That way, when you just tap the fader to 1%, it runs the cue and then the fader or flash button is the intensity. You will probably also want "+ Release at zero" so when you pull it all the way down, it releases (maybe you don't want that though).
This is located in the "Options" of the list under "Master."
It is already set to go/release off zero, what I would like to do is use the "play" button to preset the next cue, without executing the cue until I bring up the fader. It might be helpful to mention the cuelist in question is a stack of strobe looks (random, slow, all, etc) and regular intensity for those fixtures is on another fader. So I'd like to have the regular intensity fader up, preset the next strobe look, then run the strobe cue when the time is right. Now, if the intensity is up on the regular intensity fader, and I try to preset the strobe look, it will run the strobe cue. Am I making sense?
If you have already activated that list by advancing a cue, yes. However, if the list has been released (such as with a strobe cue fired/released by the flash button) it will just advance along the list without executing the cue.