You can print items from Wholehog O/S. Please see page 73 of the Wholehog user manual (version 3 of the manual). This is available on the console by pressing the help button, in a written format and downloadable as a PDF file from If the user manual does not help you or you have any other queries about this, please repost here.
You can print directly from a Wholehog 3 console if you can find a supported printer, but this can be difficult. The better option is to use Hog 3PC as it will print to your Windows default printer. I do this all the time to print my patch and I use a free app from cutePDF as my default Windows printer so that I can print to PDF files.
There are many things you can print from the Wholehog OS and it is also nice that you can print your normal patch view and/or the view by DP view.
Hi brad, If I print my patch in "view by dp" Using cutepdf I cannot change the order Or way the columns are laid out ? Is that a pdf issue or preview thing within Hog or neither.