Reference a Cue within a Cuelist

Is there a way when I'm using a large theatrical style cue stack, that I can reference an existing cue? Say I have cue 440.1, then I want that exact cue in 525, 611, and 755. I know I could just make a pallette, and reference the pallette, but I was wondering if I could just reference the entire cue (including timing, etc.). This way, when I edit that "Look", all of the reference looks get that information to it, without having to copy it (I have something that uses the same look about 25 times, we we keep changing it.)
  • But what would be the real difference for using a seperate que or a scene?
    I normally don't work with scenes, but there should be a good reason otherwise it wouldn't be impemented in the software.
    So can anyone tell me what the advantage is for programming a scene instead of a que?
  • But what would be the real difference for using a seperate que or a scene?
    I normally don't work with scenes, but there should be a good reason otherwise it wouldn't be impemented in the software.
    So can anyone tell me what the advantage is for programming a scene instead of a que?
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