skip-cue column

How about a simple toggle column for cuelists (similar to the mark column) where checking the box for a cue will skip that cue when using the play button.

We often have situations where things run long and we have to pull an element or two from the back end of the show. Currently I have to remember to use goto to skip those sections. It would be nice if I could just mark the cues I will want to skip, then ride the play button like usual.
  • It's a few more steps but you can currently just "link" around these cues that you want to skip.

  • I don't think you can insert a link at an arbitrary location in your list -- that is, it only inserts at your current location in the list. So if you know what you are going to skip before starting the show it can work, but not so practical if you're already in a live situation.
  • I understand what you're saying. I agree this would be a great feature to have. I've been in situations like this where it would be helpful to have this feature. In the past I've had to tie up the command line with the go to cue in it. I guess you could insert a link cue and then move it to the right place and then change the link to the right place in the cue list but this gets to be awkward as opposed to just being able to check the cue to skip it.

    This has got me thinking that it would be great to have the Insert Link function be able to be accessed from the command line with the ability to do a syntax like this: Cue 401 "Insert Link" Cue 405 Enter. This would insert a link after Cue 401 that would link to Cue 405.
  • Could this not end up screwing up things like tracking?

  • I think that it could utilize tracking as normal, just the same way that a link cue utilizes tracking. This feature would just be a way to navigate the cue list and not change any of the underlying properties of it.
