Hog 3 Backup

Hi Gents,
is it possible for example:2 hog 3 console with maybe 2 dp2k in one network-
the first console is the server console and the second is Remote ,and than can to use the ten faders from the second w3 on a page 2.
when crash the server console the show is over.
possible the show load on the second console as backup,not remote?and use the faders for the show? and when crah a c onsole the econd is ok
How by MA the Worlds.
  • No.
    I'm sure someone will chime in but my
    choice would be run 2 consoles and load the
    show on both.
  • Unfortunately that feature isn't part of the HOG 3 operating system. Your only option would to be to run 2 consoles individually with their own DPs on a separate network and then use a DMX switch to change between them. But you can use then like you described however if the consoles crash, you must restart them and re-load the show. There isn't any built in take over from another console.
  • [quote=doller]is it possible for example:2 hog 3 console with maybe 2 dp2k in one network-

    It is possible to run mulitple shows through the same Ethernet switch.

    Simply use different Port numbers for your console and DPs.....ie - 6600 for the first set, 6601 for the second, 6602 for the third, etc, etc. Just keep in mind that as this grows you are loading the switch up with more and more traffic.

    But as was already stated a "tracking backup" console is currently not possible via network. You can do it with MIDI and a manual DMX A/B switch with two consoles.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • As Marty says, connecting all this gear through one switch is certainly possible. If you have an intelligent or managed switch then you will be even better off running the two systems on separate vlans on the same switch.

    However as it seems you have all the kit to have two separate system, i would run then as just that (if you have 1 dp per console you gain little by putting them through a switch, some would argue that you are in fact just adding one more point of failure in this case). Get yourself an A/B DMX switch and then plug a Midi cable between the two consoles out of the main and into the back up (you will need to activate the appropriate MSC settings) and this will give you the closest thing to a tracking back up. Of course you will need to switch the DMX switch over should your main fail.


  • [quote=chrisf;39811]As Marty says, connecting all this gear through one switch is certainly possible. If you have an intelligent or managed switch then you will be even better off running the two systems on separate vlans on the same switch.

    However as it seems you have all the kit to have two separate system, i would run then as just that (if you have 1 dp per console you gain little by putting them through a switch, some would argue that you are in fact just adding one more point of failure in this case). Get yourself an A/B DMX switch and then plug a Midi cable between the two consoles out of the main and into the back up (you will need to activate the appropriate MSC settings) and this will give you the closest thing to a tracking back up. Of course you will need to switch the DMX switch over should your main fail.



    All of this midi tracking backup is well... but when you are using multiple DPs... Let’s say 2 DP8ks for one show. You then need 4 DP8ks. And, for example, lets say they are both outputting 8 universes. That’s 16 universes per show. So to do it the midi way, you need to A/B switch 16 universes.... It is cable mayhem!! Not to mention the cost of double the control equipment. Over here in the UK a Hog 3 costs about £500 per week if you get a great deal. That usually includes a DP2000. So costs soon amount, and costs are important at this time when the world’s economy is screwed.

    Tracking backup WILL solve this (to an extent). I just hope it comes sooner rather than later!

  • Hi Joe,

    You are indeed correct about cost/ equipment implications, however the original post did mention 'if he had two III's and 2 DP's'. Hence if you had double kit then the above way remains the best way to do it. At the end of day, what you find is that most shows find the middle ground between cost and back up.

    Having said this, i am of the belief that the only way to have true redundancy in any system is to have double of everything. Of course depending on show/ budget/ physical contstraints, this may not be possible. It is important to remeber every point of failure. Therefore, strictly speaking, if the hog had full redundancy features already, by putting all the above kit (2 III's and 2 DP2K's) into one switch would not offer full redunancy.


  • I can see where you are coming from. I honestly don’t know why such big features like tracking backup was not in the software from the word GO. Hog 3s (and Full Boars) handle a lot of big shows... Olympics, Brit awards, MTV music awards and other highly prestigious events. For a console of that calibre, it should have everything. There is also price on that side as well however, cost of software developers... It takes a long time to get features like that from concept to implementation. And if you look at the price of its competitors... MA and Compulite being two big ones, they are priced a lot higher. Maybe because they have more features..?

    However saying all this, I estimate by this time next year, the strength, stability and ability of the Wholehog line will have soared past our expectations. Or at least I hope so.
  • The question has to be what is wanted/ needed in a system that has tracking backup. Seems like a simple question, however there are a whole gamut of options from the backing up of the console, the removal of the dependancy of the server on one console to fully fledged redundancy.
  • Something for the developers to decide I suppose.

  • I have faith in HES to do what the customer wants/needs/requires. :)