All other creative proffessions use Mac as a platform, so why can't we? And since the iPhone is so populair, there should be a app for that as well, so you can usethe iPhone as a remote for example to focus.
I understand that it takes time/money to develop the apps, but HES: please step in to the 2009's...
Not a big Mac fan first off.....and secondly I don't want valuable development resources used up creating and testing Mac versions of stuff when you can already run it on Mac with Bootcamp, etc.
Doesn't make much sense when the consoles are Linux and Windows based, plus you cover a larger number of users with Windows versions, especially when you can run the Windows versions on Mac.
I voted Mac because I think it will make some peoples life easier... However I do agree with Marty that it is not essential, I believe that a more stable and feature packed console is the essential part and why make a full Mac version when (like Marty says) you can already achieve the desired results effectivly by using bootcamp.
Not to mention the fact that a cheap windows computer for say ÂŁ300 can run H3PC with no issues. So why not spend that little extra if you really want to use it on a native platform... in the long run it will pay itself back time after time. I run H3PC on Windows Vista and I have little problems, (dont get me wrong, XP is better!) I just think that developing a Mac version would not only take too much time and money, but it would be a serious waste were we should put all development into the current platforms to make them better in any possible way.
However, that being said. Any Intel Mac CAN run Hog3PC (I do it all the time). I wouldn't want any development resources spent on it until other things are finished FIRST (USB/Kernal upgrade, etc.) .... now, I'm ALL for the development of the iPhone App. :poke:
1th, don't get me wrong, I also think that it's not worth to spend the "valuable development resources". But HES could get extra people for Mac-development, and then I would be happy to pay to get a Mac-based-program!!
2th, if I have to run under Bootcamp, I would have bought a Windows...
But is it possible to it run under Parallels, so that we still can work simultaniously in our Mac-enviroment ???
I use it in Parallels all the time. That's how I do my remote focus. Hook up the router, choose the network, open Parallels and go for it. Works like a charm. I've never even setup bootcamp because I don't need the horsepower as I only have 2 XP programs left (Wyg and Hog3PC). Everything else, I keep running in my Mac environment and just switch over as needed.