Hi to all Pls advise me on which Switcher n Wirelss router to get sothat I can have the following 1st HOG3 + DP8000.(Main) 2nd HOG3 + DP8000 ( Client ) 3rd HOG3PC ( wireless focusing) all hook up thanks
i always use Linksys WLAN Routers (Cisco Systems). Never had any problems. Any good quality switcher would work. But take that it is not "managed". Please note that you can´t run a 2nd full system as a backup in the same network, you can have your 2nd HOG3 in the same network, but if the first one (running the server) crashes you wont have a full Backupsystem This needs to be done with a DMX-Switcher, so both consoles then run as a server, if console #1 crashes you just switch all the DMX-Lines to Console #2
There are some usefull network-layouts on the flying-pig support pages.