I am using an iPC with the 3.1.0 release. After a while of having only the groups window and the patch window open, I was having bad slowdowns. Eventually it got really bad and I decided to restart the playback instance. When it came back up, both the Effects button and the Intensity button leds were lit. They were stuck on even though I could press any other one of the buttons and the software reacted but it wouldn't reflect the change. I rebooted the console and it was fine after that. (see pic attached.)
Second thing, I was trying to record some desk channels onto the fader that the grand master was on. (fader 1). It came up with a server busy error. Recorded it to the second fader and it went. (see pic) 1614
Third thing, Had some studio spots, adjusted their positions and tried to record to a position directory. Got a server busy error. Reboot fixed it and I was able to record to it after that. (see pic) 1634