3.1.x Bugs

Hey, these are a few small bugs that I have noticed after upgrading to 3.1.0 (And some are unfixed in 3.1.1)

1) I-Wheel, If I hit 1 (Enter) to select fixture 1, and then use the I-Wheel to adjust the intensity, it wont show a value in the programmer, how ever if there is all ready a fixture in the programmer it will... so its only the first fixture.

2) Timecode Cue, Sometimes it will fire the cue, and then like 3 cues later, the shade of the box will turn white as if it was not fired. then some cues later it may or may not change back to shaded.

3) Flicker, It seems like some of my cuelists in the cuelist pallet, are flickering more...

4) Grey Bar, it seems like there is a grey bar going across my screen.. of some of my output views.

I will post some pictures later.
  • [quote=michael_graham;43089]Ryan

    A few questions for you.

    1. What fixtures are you using. I am having no problems calling up a generic RGB LED's in the programmer using the IR IG IB encoders.

    2. I will look into the timecode not triggering cues.

    3. Is the 'Flicker' in the output window, programmer?

    4. Can you tell me what windows you are seeing this grey bar in?
    We do have a grey bar in the programmer in the 'Num' column, is this what you are talking about?

    What is connected to you Hog 3's and how many?
    DP2K, DP8K, playback wings, ext. monitors

    1) Its only with the I-Wheel, the Encoders seem to work fine. This goes for any type fixture, Mac 500, 600, Desk Chan, Non Dim, RGB LED ect...

    its only for the first fixture on the list too, as soon as you add a 2nd fixture to the programmer, it will show the value.

    2) It looks like its triggering, just not displaying that it triggered.

    3) The flicker is in the cuelist pallet / display

    4) The grey bar is running horizontally across the screen in the Current Cuelist window and in the output.

    I apologize about the picture, I forgot to take my camera into the venue.

    I will make sure to take a few pictures during tonights show..

    These are all still confirmed in 3.1.1

    This is on 2 different WH3 with a DP2k

    I have 2 WH3 each with one DP2000, each Hog has 2 External Screens (15" 1024x768) and each hog has a USB Timecode Module. No MIDI, No Wings
  • [quote=michael_graham;43089]Ryan

    A few questions for you.

    1. What fixtures are you using. I am having no problems calling up a generic RGB LED's in the programmer using the IR IG IB encoders.

    2. I will look into the timecode not triggering cues.

    3. Is the 'Flicker' in the output window, programmer?

    4. Can you tell me what windows you are seeing this grey bar in?
    We do have a grey bar in the programmer in the 'Num' column, is this what you are talking about?

    What is connected to you Hog 3's and how many?
    DP2K, DP8K, playback wings, ext. monitors

    1) Its only with the I-Wheel, the Encoders seem to work fine. This goes for any type fixture, Mac 500, 600, Desk Chan, Non Dim, RGB LED ect...

    its only for the first fixture on the list too, as soon as you add a 2nd fixture to the programmer, it will show the value.

    2) It looks like its triggering, just not displaying that it triggered.

    3) The flicker is in the cuelist pallet / display

    4) The grey bar is running horizontally across the screen in the Current Cuelist window and in the output.

    I apologize about the picture, I forgot to take my camera into the venue.

    I will make sure to take a few pictures during tonights show..

    These are all still confirmed in 3.1.1

    This is on 2 different WH3 with a DP2k

    I have 2 WH3 each with one DP2000, each Hog has 2 External Screens (15" 1024x768) and each hog has a USB Timecode Module. No MIDI, No Wings
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