hey guys, i am running into a problem. This past weekend i used the road hog at our church to run a concert. 2 hours before the show started i doused the lamps on my intels (6 design spot 575, and 2 design spot 250s). When i went to strike them from the console before the concert everything struck just fine, however, when i hit clear it doused them again. Now the only way to turn the lamps on with out them dousing is to not hit clear. any thoughts?
In the programmer window, do you have the 'fade changes' button ticked? Thats something I can think is happening. If it is ticked, un tick it and try the strike again, clear the programmer and tick it again.
I don't think fade changes is the culprit, as with those Elation fixtures, the Lamp OFF function has a higher DMX value than the Lamp ON function. Try making a cuelist that only lamps on the fixtures and see if you get the same problem when you release the cuelist.
My other advice is to not lamp off fixtures before a show!
And you haven't recorded douse anywhere by accident or can this be solved by parking control value? What output window shows for them in control section?