Hog 3PC Remote for Android

I was jealous that the Iphone users could use snatch and use there phone as a remote. I didn't want to buy and iphone or an ipod, so I researched for a program like snatch for Android. I found andremote. You can find it in the market, and it costs about $1.43. I have created a basic keypad remote with clear and highlight. I am still trying to figure out if andremote supports more that one screen, but I wanted to get what I had up and let people use it and comment back.

The website is: andremote.anddev.org
  • I usually use my tablet (well, convertible) PC running HOG 3 PC connected through a wireless network to the console but ever since I got my Toshiba Thrive, I've been wondering if there is a way to connect that instead since it is MUCH lighter than my tablet pc.

    I think the solution is going to be to have my laptop connected at the console to the wireless router. I've discovered two Android/ iOS Apps. The first is called PocketCloud Remote. They have a Server App that you download to your laptop that includes the TightVNC server RScott mentioned. Set up everything manually and then run the app on your Android/iOS Device. You'll need to know the IP address assigned to the laptop. I tried it out on my desktop and it seems to work. It's not perfect but for focus touch ups or channel checks, it should be fine.

    The other app is called CrazyRemote. Same concept. You have to download a server app to your laptop and then download the app to your device. Functions the same but I didn't like it as much as PocketCloud.

    I didn't spend much time with either one, but thought I would share. This should work on all platforms.

    [QUOTE=RScott;54666]Don't know if anybody is still keeping an eye on this post, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents for anybody that stumbles across it.

    Ours isn't the simplest setup, but it works. We have a wireless router connected to our Hog PC machine, running the TightVNC server (www.tightvnc.com/). On my Android phone (T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Slide) I'm running the free androidVNC. It allows me full control of the Hog PC app (minus right-click) across all four of our monitors.

    It'll do until HES comes up with an Android app :-)
  • I usually use my tablet (well, convertible) PC running HOG 3 PC connected through a wireless network to the console but ever since I got my Toshiba Thrive, I've been wondering if there is a way to connect that instead since it is MUCH lighter than my tablet pc.

    I think the solution is going to be to have my laptop connected at the console to the wireless router. I've discovered two Android/ iOS Apps. The first is called PocketCloud Remote. They have a Server App that you download to your laptop that includes the TightVNC server RScott mentioned. Set up everything manually and then run the app on your Android/iOS Device. You'll need to know the IP address assigned to the laptop. I tried it out on my desktop and it seems to work. It's not perfect but for focus touch ups or channel checks, it should be fine.

    The other app is called CrazyRemote. Same concept. You have to download a server app to your laptop and then download the app to your device. Functions the same but I didn't like it as much as PocketCloud.

    I didn't spend much time with either one, but thought I would share. This should work on all platforms.

    [QUOTE=RScott;54666]Don't know if anybody is still keeping an eye on this post, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents for anybody that stumbles across it.

    Ours isn't the simplest setup, but it works. We have a wireless router connected to our Hog PC machine, running the TightVNC server (www.tightvnc.com/). On my Android phone (T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Slide) I'm running the free androidVNC. It allows me full control of the Hog PC app (minus right-click) across all four of our monitors.

    It'll do until HES comes up with an Android app :-)
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