HOG 3PC on Admin Laptop

I need to run HOG 3PC on a laptop that is setup for Administrator control.
If I try to run it as a user I get an "Unknown exception" error.

If I do a "run as" administrator then it works fine.

Is there a access I need to give the user login to allow it to work?
  • grant non-administrators permission to modify the 3PC registry entries:
    [INDENT]Assign permissions to a registry key

    on a 32-bit machine, apply these instructions to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Flying Pig Systems
    on a 64-bit machine, apply these instructions to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Flying Pig Systems

    Add the group named INTERACTIVE and assign to this group Full Control

    [/INDENT]grant non-administrators permission to control 3PC network services
    [INDENT]please find attached a batch file that will perform this task for you; Run as administrator.

    [/INDENT]grant non-administrators the privilege to control the machine's IP addresses
    [INDENT]if user-controlled addressing is necessary, make the user a member of the Network Configuration Operators group.

    Use the Network Configuration Operators Group

    the 3PC built-in control panel for IP address configuration malfunctions when in a non-administrator context; train your user to instead use the native Windows facilities to make any required changes.

    [/INDENT]grant non-administrators permission to write ~hog3_ident
    [INDENT]only if you have disabled UAC -or- are on an earlier version of Windows where UAC Virtualization is not available, you will need to assign the INTERACTIVE group Full Control of the Program Files\Flying Pig Systems\Hog3PC folder.

    [/INDENT][INDENT]Set, View, Change, or Remove Permissions on Files and Folders
  • also, depending on which operating system you're running, hardware installation may be required to be performed by an administrator.

    if you have a finite set of hardware, take some time as an administrator to plug each device into each USB port that it could ever get plugged into and let all the driver installation routines run, prior to delivering an unconnected kit to a standard user.