Macros and grouping

Hi All,

3 things that have been bugging me for some time, just never got round to asking:

1, why in my cuelists do other masters release when I go to the next Q.


Cue 1 All washlights red
Cue 2 All washlights green (GM2) (starts LED Chase)
Cue 3 All washlights yellow

as soon as I hit go and move to cue 3 master 2 will release, i have to keep adding a GM2 to every Q to keep the the effect running

whats am i doing wrong.

2, is there are way of selecting groups of lights and breaking them into sub groups of 3 or 4 say like a mask

3, In the effects engine how do I get the effect to start from the center of a group of lights. ie i have 30 colourblocks and want the effect to start from the 15th & 16th block and run out to the 1st and 30th block, I have seen the different options on the bottom of the RH Touch screen but they dont seem to do anything.... what am I doing wrong.

Thats all for now,

  • Hi Dave,
    In regards to #1, I think this is a case of your cuelist is "stomping" on the previous list, since they both are trying to control the same values and the Latest takes precedence rule comes into effect. Try setting the chase cue list to "Persist on Override" and give it a higher priority than the other lists in the options menu.

    For #2, once you have your group selected, you can use the "Select" toolbar, Section 15.1.3 talks about this in the manual.

    I'm definitely not the most proficient in using the effects engine but I think you can do what you're looking to do by selecting the fixtures starting from the center and then moving out. You could select fixtures 15 thru 1(in that order) apply the effect and then copy the effect to fixtures 16 thru 30. There might be a better way to do this though.

  • Hi Dave,
    In regards to #1, I think this is a case of your cuelist is "stomping" on the previous list, since they both are trying to control the same values and the Latest takes precedence rule comes into effect. Try setting the chase cue list to "Persist on Override" and give it a higher priority than the other lists in the options menu.

    For #2, once you have your group selected, you can use the "Select" toolbar, Section 15.1.3 talks about this in the manual.

    I'm definitely not the most proficient in using the effects engine but I think you can do what you're looking to do by selecting the fixtures starting from the center and then moving out. You could select fixtures 15 thru 1(in that order) apply the effect and then copy the effect to fixtures 16 thru 30. There might be a better way to do this though.

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