An odd situation in which I find myself currently - wysiwyg R25 and Whole Hog 3

Hiya folks, Jim Hutchison here.

I am currently working on this crazy little light art exhibit that is going to take place at a yet-undisclosed conference here in Oklahoma City, OK. I have a Hog 3 and 24 Color Blast 12's, and I'm pre-viz-ing in WYG R25.

I am using the profile "Color Blast" from the Hog library, under the "Custom" category, and in WYG, I'm using the "Color Blast" fixture.

Now there is a distinct chance I'm about to ask a really stupid question, but I know that I am going to learn something awesome from this experience! I have the units patched with 3-channel offsets (1, 4, 7, etc), and on the four encoders, from left to right, I get a weird white mix, red, green, and blue on the far right.

For the LIFE of me, I don't ever remember having this configuration. Does this sound ca-raaaazy to anyone else? Before I go spending 2 days programming this sucker and wasting two days, can anyone shed a little light on this for me?

You're all terrific!

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