Network Setup and Remote Focusing

Up to now I have only used the HOG III with one DP 2000.

I want to make sure I understand network setups before I proceed.

My show setup will be a HOG III and a DP 2000.
However, for programming I want to add a HogPC on stage.
The room is in the round, and all aisles lead to the stage.
Therefore, it is hard to do aisle focus points from FOH.

So, for programming I plan on using
HOG III in "Use default IP setting" mode, and "Enable DHCP and Boot Server"

A 4 port router with wireless, with it's DHCP turned off

DP 2000 set to obtain IP via DHCP

All on Port 6600
HOG III as the show server and console 1
plugged into the router with a non-crossover.

HOG PC with Run Server off, as console 2
on the wireless.

When I'm done programming I go back to the crossover cable straight into the DP 2000.

Am I close?
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