Hey All,
I am having issues working with midi on our Full Boar. I have tried sending both notes and messages to the console and the console will not respond to either. I know that I am sending the right notes and messages, I tested them on a different Full Boar (running the same show) and everything worked fine. The only thing that I noticed different about the working full boar was the Front Panel PLD Version was 2, the broken console is PLD version 1.
I opened up the console and reseated all the connections coming from the midi/SMTP card. The weird thing is the broken console will send midi messages out just fine.
I just tried a clean install and update to 3.1.7 and I am still having the same issue.
I have attached pictures of the system info for both the working and broken full boars.
Let me know what I can do and if i am on to something with the PLD version.