Here is a concept, when the USB back up come's on line some day Highend should make for $ 200 or so? a adaptor for a USB stick to replace that old zip drive in the arm rest ???
IIRC the HogIII's motherboard has a spare USB port on it. If you're feeling clever you could make a custom cable to fit a USB connector in the 3.5 inch drive bay.
Inspired by your post here I did try to use spare USB port on HOG 3 motherboard called "USB 4" and lead it out through the former modem connector at front panel. Now the hardware connection is checked - OK but the HOG 3 system can`t recognize it, software support is missing. What are the next steps?
Great idea, using the USB 4 connector for a usb port at the 'modem / headset' connector at the front! I want to make an cable for that also but i can't find the pinout for the USB 4 connector on the motherboard. In the USB 3 connector is a cable with wires White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red. The information i can find about USB wiring is with wire colors Red (Vcc), White (Data +), Green (Data -), Black (GND).
So, can someone tell me the the pinout on the Hog motherboard?
Please note that this isn't officially supported. You could potentially damage your console if you do it wrong. Also, be aware the internal ports don't have ESD protection (unlike the two ports on the back), so they'll be easier to damage due to static.
I am using hub going out of rear out 1 for 2 elo`s and the second one for expansion wing. Already suggested and from our side now working hardware part of USB 4 connection is simply more comfortable right next to the existing backup drive options.