Here is a concept, when the USB back up come's on line some day Highend should make for $ 200 or so? a adaptor for a USB stick to replace that old zip drive in the arm rest ???
Great idea, using the USB 4 connector for a usb port at the 'modem / headset' connector at the front! I want to make an cable for that also but i can't find the pinout for the USB 4 connector on the motherboard. In the USB 3 connector is a cable with wires White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red. The information i can find about USB wiring is with wire colors Red (Vcc), White (Data +), Green (Data -), Black (GND).
So, can someone tell me the the pinout on the Hog motherboard?
Great idea, using the USB 4 connector for a usb port at the 'modem / headset' connector at the front! I want to make an cable for that also but i can't find the pinout for the USB 4 connector on the motherboard. In the USB 3 connector is a cable with wires White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red. The information i can find about USB wiring is with wire colors Red (Vcc), White (Data +), Green (Data -), Black (GND).
So, can someone tell me the the pinout on the Hog motherboard?