DL3 Collage and Pallets

I'm guessing this will be more about the Console than the DL3...
Hog 3.1.9

I setup a 2x1 collage completely.
I wanted to 1st save it to a Pallet (with the CAL grid).
Record Beam, USE P, USE C, USE B, Select Beam 1 in Pallet.
(contains both Motion, Global, and Graphic 1)

After naming that pallet,
Record Enter for Cue 1 in my Cuelist.
(with the cal grid showing)

Go on to program a cuelist of video.
All is good.

Next day, bring up the system.
Roll Cue 1
Grid alignment is slightly off.
(Tilt on one fixture may be a bit loose, no problem.)

Tweak the Keystoning on right DL3,
Record Beam, USE P, USE C, USE B, Select Beam 1 in Pallet.
(the one used in Cue 1)
Select MERGE on the prompt.

BLIND the console, and it reverts back to being slightly off.

Do a View Cue on Cue 1 and confirm it is referencing the Beam Pallet.


Had to move on, so I ended up merging the change into Cue 1.
  • I've never had a problem using MERGE to update IPCB DL palettes personally, and yes I too TOUCH all parameters for Motion and Global with both selected at the same time (but never GFX layers in my collage palettes).

    I use the MERGE key with masking though instead of the RECORD key + prompt as it is much faster to update palettes.

    Don't forget that if you didn't have a value for a parameter in your palette when you wrote the cue....adding that parameter to the palette WILL NOT update the cue......you will need to re-select the palette and merge it into your cue again if you add parameters.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • I've never had a problem using MERGE to update IPCB DL palettes personally, and yes I too TOUCH all parameters for Motion and Global with both selected at the same time (but never GFX layers in my collage palettes).

    I use the MERGE key with masking though instead of the RECORD key + prompt as it is much faster to update palettes.

    Don't forget that if you didn't have a value for a parameter in your palette when you wrote the cue....adding that parameter to the palette WILL NOT update the cue......you will need to re-select the palette and merge it into your cue again if you add parameters.

    Hope this helps. :)
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