So i am considering selling my Hog 2 system and upgrading to a new Hog Desk. I am torn between what console to go with. Deciding what i want to buy is kinda tricky for me. Cost being one factor, not a major one, its obvious that i want to lean toward the Road Hog. now being the hog 3 desk is the most expensive and most feature oriented i naturally want to get that desk. where im confused is this. I have a friend that i have worked with, that is a very established LD and can have basically whatever he wants and he chooses a full boar/wing setup. Now I am a rental house and small tours LD. my shows almost never go over 4 universes, and im usually about 40-60 fixtures and some media. now i have used the road hog and full boar on festivals and random one offs and i like them both. so is it worth me spending double the cost to get the HOG 3 desk or would it make more sense to get a road hog, a wing, a seperate monitor and all the accesories and still come out cheaper than the hog 3 desk. any advice would be greatly appriciated.
The FB is a great desk, at a fair price providing good feature set and output capability. However, I have always preferred the "sleeker" Hog 3 console over the FB. It feels nicer, its physically slimmer, the screens are adjustable which helps your seating position, the extra buttons around the screen make for easier selections too. I could go on ;)
I suggest you ask your HES dealer to set-up a demo, sit in front of both and practice some programming and see how they feel. Also, if your used to having a Hog 2 wing, the Wholehog 3 has an expansion wing similar which matches the Hog 3 and looks stunning, not to mention provides you with another 40 playbacks!
The FB is a great desk, at a fair price providing good feature set and output capability. However, I have always preferred the "sleeker" Hog 3 console over the FB. It feels nicer, its physically slimmer, the screens are adjustable which helps your seating position, the extra buttons around the screen make for easier selections too. I could go on ;)
I suggest you ask your HES dealer to set-up a demo, sit in front of both and practice some programming and see how they feel. Also, if your used to having a Hog 2 wing, the Wholehog 3 has an expansion wing similar which matches the Hog 3 and looks stunning, not to mention provides you with another 40 playbacks!