Hog 3 shutting down

About a week ago my console shut down in the middle of programming. It then attempted to restart but just keep going to the start up(very first) screen and then would go black for a second and then the back to the first screen. It did that a few times till i powered down. i tried to restart and it was doing the same thing. I had remove the power cable and wait a minute and then it started correctly. it worked fine the rest of the day till i went to shut it down at the end of the night and it started to shut down but then went to the start up screen and started to loop again. I was running 3.1.7 and decided to do a clean install to 3.1.9. Well today it shut down on me again while programming and started to loop on the start up screen but after the second loop it actually started so I logged back into the show and continued programming. What do you guys thing it could be? I'm on a battery backup so I don't think it was an external power issue. I was logged on as a client. Thanks in advance for any help!!

Wholehog 3 w dp2000
  • John
    Thank you very much for the offer!! I borrowed a console from a friend and ordered a couple 80 gig seagate drives from amazon. It was fun driving around yesterday looking for a new hard drive under 120 gigs. People were almost laughing at me. The smallest I could find was 500 gigs. If I wanted to drive an hour, frys in woodland hills had a 320 but wasn't sure if i could limit it. Also it was a Western Digital which I don't trust. This was definitely an eye opener to have a spare HD. Especially since the closest new drive is at least two days shipment away.
    I also want to thank Josh Thatcher, Scott Barnes, Paul Hancock and John Crimans for their support this week thru my weirdness. What a great community!!

    I will keep you guys posted when I solve the problem. As an update I'm going to change the hard drive and bios battery.
  • John
    Thank you very much for the offer!! I borrowed a console from a friend and ordered a couple 80 gig seagate drives from amazon. It was fun driving around yesterday looking for a new hard drive under 120 gigs. People were almost laughing at me. The smallest I could find was 500 gigs. If I wanted to drive an hour, frys in woodland hills had a 320 but wasn't sure if i could limit it. Also it was a Western Digital which I don't trust. This was definitely an eye opener to have a spare HD. Especially since the closest new drive is at least two days shipment away.
    I also want to thank Josh Thatcher, Scott Barnes, Paul Hancock and John Crimans for their support this week thru my weirdness. What a great community!!

    I will keep you guys posted when I solve the problem. As an update I'm going to change the hard drive and bios battery.
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