Copy Command Line into macros

In order to get a full flexible live show done I'd like to fire multiple cuelists and scene at once! Is there a way to copy the command line content into a macro and fire it as a cue on a fader? For example: SCENE & LIST Window on GUARD - command line: Scene1 Scene4 Scene24 List 13 List 23 List 123 -> press MACRO 1 --> content of the commandline copied to MASTER 5 Macros --> looks like GS1:GS4:GS24:GL13:GL23:GL123 = now I can fire it with the Master play key... 5 would love a feature similar to this...:headbang:
  • Can you give an example of how you would use this is a show situation or why building it in a comment macro is not a quick enough method for the show situation you are thinking of. As with any implementation we need to make sure we add speed and value for the tasks that you, the user, are ultimately trying to accomplish.

    Right now our command line syntax does not support multiple list or scene entries... so step one would be allowing that syntax to be allow to pile up... and then next step would be to add logic to be able to dump that command line into a single macro command or comment macro.
  • Can you give an example of how you would use this is a show situation or why building it in a comment macro is not a quick enough method for the show situation you are thinking of. As with any implementation we need to make sure we add speed and value for the tasks that you, the user, are ultimately trying to accomplish.

    Right now our command line syntax does not support multiple list or scene entries... so step one would be allowing that syntax to be allow to pile up... and then next step would be to add logic to be able to dump that command line into a single macro command or comment macro.
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