In order to get a full flexible live show done I'd like to fire multiple cuelists and scene at once! Is there a way to copy the command line content into a macro and fire it as a cue on a fader? For example: SCENE & LIST Window on GUARD - command line: Scene1 Scene4 Scene24 List 13 List 23 List 123 -> press MACRO 1 --> content of the commandline copied to MASTER 5 Macros --> looks like GS1:GS4:GS24:GL13:GL23:GL123 = now I can fire it with the Master play key... 5 would love a feature similar to this...:headbang:
Can you give an example of how you would use this is a show situation or why building it in a comment macro is not a quick enough method for the show situation you are thinking of. As with any implementation we need to make sure we add speed and value for the tasks that you, the user, are ultimately trying to accomplish.
Right now our command line syntax does not support multiple list or scene entries... so step one would be allowing that syntax to be allow to pile up... and then next step would be to add logic to be able to dump that command line into a single macro command or comment macro.
What I'd like to achieve is a full change of scenes and lists in one go! Changing the look of the whole stage with firing one cue or one hit key would make a live show almost look like a go-show! I'm tired of changing colors, positions, beams & fx one after another! Choosing or making the next picture f.e. the refrain during the verse and execute it with one step! Building a comment macro is a nice feature but I'm too slow building a new look within a few seconds. I used to make scenes for my fixture colors and vlists for positions, beams, etc. - choosing color, pos, beam with guard on dumps everything in the commandline - now I'd like to find a way to execute all of these at once - a way biulding it with macro would be a workaround - a would appreciate this feature - neither MA nor AVO, JANDS or CHAMSYS have this feature... would be cool 'cause I love the hog...
You could have a cue list full of comment macros to accomplish what you are looking for. Say your colors are in list 1, position in list 2, and beams in list 3, then starting with a blank cue list, your comment macros could look something like this: Cue 1: GL1/1:GL2/2:GL3/3 Cue 2: GL1/2:GL2/3:GL3/1 Cue 3: GL1/3:GL2/5:GL3/4 ... and so on with as many combinations as you desire ...
Or create an entire block of cue lists with just one comment macro in each.
Yes I know! But during a live show it's quite hard to Type in the Macro Field of a cue! It should be something like scene1 scene34 scene45 list 56 list 104 list35 - execute - so I can build my picture in the scene & list directory with guard activated & execute the command line in one go! Typing into the comment macro window of a live show is not what I want to do during show!
The idea is to create the comment Macros BEFORE the show, not during the show.
It is not as spontaneous as creating the command line as you go, but you could build hundreds of these macro combinations beforehand to provide plenty of variety. All you type during show is [GOTO] [ENTER]. Or just keep pressing the GO button.
This is what I do now! But the it is not that flexible...Waiting for the command line dump into macros or cues... or a kind of master execute function for mixed scenes and lists...