In order to get a full flexible live show done I'd like to fire multiple cuelists and scene at once! Is there a way to copy the command line content into a macro and fire it as a cue on a fader? For example: SCENE & LIST Window on GUARD - command line: Scene1 Scene4 Scene24 List 13 List 23 List 123 -> press MACRO 1 --> content of the commandline copied to MASTER 5 Macros --> looks like GS1:GS4:GS24:GL13:GL23:GL123 = now I can fire it with the Master play key... 5 would love a feature similar to this...:headbang:
Yes I know! But during a live show it's quite hard to Type in the Macro Field of a cue! It should be something like scene1 scene34 scene45 list 56 list 104 list35 - execute - so I can build my picture in the scene & list directory with guard activated & execute the command line in one go! Typing into the comment macro window of a live show is not what I want to do during show!
Yes I know! But during a live show it's quite hard to Type in the Macro Field of a cue! It should be something like scene1 scene34 scene45 list 56 list 104 list35 - execute - so I can build my picture in the scene & list directory with guard activated & execute the command line in one go! Typing into the comment macro window of a live show is not what I want to do during show!