Wifi Hog3PC and iPC on 3.2 issue

I open a new Thread, becouse i dont get Wifi (RFU) running...here is the old Thread:
(i connected iPC 3.2. and Hog3PC 3.2. as i usually did all the time before
3.2 HogPC as RFU ...it takes much longer to connect to iPC Show, but i can launch...after a while (different, some minutes ) and some button action Hog3PC crashes, in Networkwindow on iPC i can see that the PC node is alternating to offline/online before it crashes...
There is no difference if i use same or other Netnumber, IPC is Server.
i did not change any configurations in my Network prefs (Firewall off)

Hog3PC runs on XP SP2, Apple Airport Express

Never had any issues before...
Any Hints?

It works hardwired , no crash since 30min ,..is it possible that it is a Wifi issue with 3.2? The config of Airport has not changed since 3.1.9)

The connection is very unstable via Wifi and Hog3 PC crash after a few minutes. Its stable and work with Cable!

  • Hello Chris,

    1) i tried a second Airport Express (same Model) today, i try another Wifi Router (Speedport) Hog PC is running on MacBook Pro Bootcamp Win XP Pro SP2

    2) i tried different conigurations..WDS and iPC serve DHCP, at the moment both DHCP off
    3) iPC is server, server is off on HogPC
    4) There is nothing more on Airport than Hog
    5) Intel Celeron 2,8GHZ

    today, i will try a different Wifirouter. As i said before, as soon as i run it networked with cable, i works perfect.

  • Hello Chris,

    1) i tried a second Airport Express (same Model) today, i try another Wifi Router (Speedport) Hog PC is running on MacBook Pro Bootcamp Win XP Pro SP2

    2) i tried different conigurations..WDS and iPC serve DHCP, at the moment both DHCP off
    3) iPC is server, server is off on HogPC
    4) There is nothing more on Airport than Hog
    5) Intel Celeron 2,8GHZ

    today, i will try a different Wifirouter. As i said before, as soon as i run it networked with cable, i works perfect.

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